Chapter 19 - Power Moves

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Ring! Ring! Ring! I was jumped awake by a phone ringing. I got up from Toni's chest and looked around. Finally seeing where it was, I grabbed Toni's phone and declined the call. I laid back on Toni as she mindlessly rubbed my butt.

It was her new thing. She would rub any part of me that was right by her hand. Whether it was my boob, butt, thigh, even my pussy, she's gonna rub it. I loved it. Even in her sleep she wanted to be on me.

Right as I was falling asleep again, her phone rang again. I sat up and grabbed it. I looked at it and saw that it was Jada. "Hello."

"Where's Toni?"

"She's asleep. What do you want?"

"To talk to Toni."

"Like I said, she's sleeping."

"Can't you wake her up?"

"Sorry, her medicine knocks her right out."

"Medicine? I didn't know she took medicine."

"Yeah. I think it's like J.F.P or something."

"What's that?"

"Janet's Fat Pussy. Goodbye." I hung the phone up and laid back down.

"Baby, who was that?" Her gruff voice was so sexy.


"What did she want?"

"I don't know."

"Well, fuck her then." She smacked and squeezed my ass.

We fell back asleep, only to once again be woken up by her phone. That's it. I sat up and folded my arms.
"Toni! If you don't set her straight, it's going to be a problem." She picked up the phone.

"Hello....why you calling so fucking late?" I grabbed the phone and put it on speaker.

"Toni, I need you to come help me."

"What is it? Is it the baby?"

"No, I'm very hungry and I have no way to get something to eat. Can you help me?"

"Are you seriously calling me while I'm with my girlfriend to get you some food?"

"Oh please, you know that you and that old bitch are only going to be going out temporarily. I mean she's so desperate. Fucking a college Junior, who's having a baby."

Ughh. I felt my blood boil. I went to say something but Toni put her hand on my mouth.

"Jada, I love Janet. I'm never leaving her so get used to it and stop pushing up on me." I started screaming into her hand.

"Fine but when her pussy dries up don't come crying to me."

"Takes a dry pussy to know dry pussy and that's the one thing my woman doesn't know."

"Girl, bye. Just bring me the food you brought me a few nights ago when you came over." Oh that was it. I pushed Toni's hand off of my mouth. I got up and put my clothes and shoes on.

"Jada, I'm not coming over. Stop calling me this late. Bye!" She hung the phone up and tried to grab me.

"Get off of me, Toni. Just get away from me." I grabbed my purse and car keys and left her apartment. Going to my car I put my things in there and got in. Just as I was closing my door, Toni grabbed it.

"Janet, hear me out. It's not what you think."

"Oh really, so you didn't go to your ex-hoe's house a few nights ago?"

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