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Mikey is such a gentleman. He make sure that you are comfortable during the whole dinner. He's not that talkative and flirty but doesn't made you feel bored.

While walking out the restaurant, he has his arm on your waist. This gave you butterflies in your stomach. Never did your stupid ass boyfriend cared you like this.

"Are you cold?" Mikey removed his coat and was about to put it on you when you noticed a stain on his sleeves.

"Is that blood? Are you hurt somewhere?"

Mikey's eye widened when he saw few dots on his white sleeves. "No, maybe it's the wine a while ago."

"Oh we should wash it when we get back to the hotel. It would stain if we let it sit for too long." You innocently said without knowing what that was.

Mikey leaned toward you and tucked a strand of hair behind your ears. " such a caring woman. I wish i have someone like you."

You just chuckled softly in response as you don't know if he's teasing you or what. But one thing you can assure is that you're not someone a man would crave for. Or it's just your confidence has been shattered by Ryo.

Your phone vibrated inside your purse and when you checked it, there's a lot of missed calls and messages from Ryo. You opened some and of course, he's angry as fuck because you don't response and come back home.

"Mikey, i think i have to go home."

"Are you sure?"


If you're not confronting him now, then when? You can't stay hiding on Rindou's apartment forever. It's now or never.

Mikey did not tried to stop you from going home and just drove for you. Your heart was beating fast when you arrived outside your apartment. You're clasping your hand on your lap when suddenly he held it.

"Wanna comeback at the hotel with me?" He asked.

"No, i have something important to settle." You smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you. I had so much fun today."

Mikey ran his hand on your back. " i could take you out anytime."

"Really?" You broke the hug and opened the door of his car. After going down, you bowed down and waved. "See you next time, Mikey."

You ran your way to your unit and Mikey drove away.


See you next time, Mikey.

It was the last word he heard from you. He tried calling on your phone but it was unattended.

Mikey brushed his hair up from frustration. He can't tell if you're avoiding him or something happened to you that night. God he can't stop thinking about you.

It's been 3 days. He wants to see you, to hear your voice. Maybe it won't be weird if he would book you in the salon.

He called the salon to make an appointment and took the chance to ask for you.

Sir I'm sorry but ms.y/n has been hospitalized 3days ago and is in grave condition so we can't tell when she could go back.

Mikey's heart dropped. He shouldn't have left you there that night. He should have insisted on taking you back.

He slumped down on the velvet couch on his room. Eyes fixed on the ceiling. He felt empty once again getting consumed by darkness. Just when he thought he finally found someone again worth protecting, this happened. Fucked up bigtime.

"Sanzu." He coldly called for his most trusted man.

"Yes Mikey."

"Go find the hospital where y/n is confined. Tell Kakucho to start a manhunt on the bastard who caused her pain and bring him alive to me."

Sanzu had a sinister smile on his face. The vertical scars in the corner of his lips stretched as he felt ecstatic about Mikey's dark impulse.

I don't like anyone laying their hand on my prey...

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