The Start of it All

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Unknown P.O.V


"God damn it all!" I shouted, furious. "How the hell did that damn bunny fuck up the plan?!"

"It actually was that other fox who wrecked it ma'am." Mangle replied, hanging down from the ceiling with her arms crossed.

"Grr!" I growled in frustration, turning around and punching the nearby half note that was painted on the wall of my mini prison, Singer's Sky, where I was the one who teaches kids about all the different music notes and the major scale before singing them a song about a freaking unicorn and a dog. "Why do those two always get in my way?" I continued, shooting a pissed glare up in Mangle's direction, even though it wasn't intended for her.

"You have to remember that the bunny is in love with the girl." Mangle replied, using her same monotone tone of voice.

"Yes I know that!" I snapped, pacing back and forth trying to come up with a plan to get back at Bonnie for ruining my plans to kill (y/n). She was the reason I was put out of order, and I have wanted to ruin her life ever since then...


"Why hello there little ones!" I told the little kids who were part of the birthday party that would be going on for the next hour and a half.

"Hello Miss Jynni!" A few of the children replied, obviously knowing me from previous events. That's when my partner who helped me keep the kids in line and entertained, Toy Bonnie dropped in. "Hiya kids! Didn't expect to see you guys in here!" He chucked nervously, scratching the back of his head. It was only part of his programming though in a moment we would be free to do almost whatever though since we only had to go through the introductory act.

"Bonnie!" Almost all of the kids cheered. I was a little bit disappointed but I knew that Bonnie was 1) One of the main characters. And 2) One of the band members. I was only used for events like Mangle was, she's used to keep the youngest kids entertained since they constantly pull her apart and put her back together in the wrong order. There was one time when she almost had everything in place. She was extremely happy then.

"I was just going to spend some quality time with Jynni too." Toy Bonnie continued, coming up next to me and putting his arm around my shoulder. Yes, we were programmed to be lovers. And I loved him even when we weren't following our programming. I looked up at the blue bunny and smiled saying, "Now, now dear. We have to entertain the kids!" I waved my arms toward the children in front of me, the boys gagging and the girls were ooh-ing and aww-ing. I giggled, and that was when our little programming skit ended, meaning that we had control over our actions again. "Now then, run along kids! If you have any questions about things or if you have any requests be sure to ask either me or Bonnie okay?"

"Ok Miss Jynni!" The children chimed before running off, laughing and giggling over who knows what.

As I was wandering around keeping an eye on everyone and making sure they weren't getting into trouble I felt a tug on my skirt. I looked down at the little girl and recognized her as the little sister of the birthday girl. "Oh! Why hello there," I turned to face her, crouching down to her level even though I was in a dress.

"Hi." She muttered shyly, smiling brightly.

"What's up?" I asked her, tilting my head to the side like a dog would.

"I wanted to know if you could sing for me, but I don't want you to sing the song you normally do. I want you to make one up!" She said, waving her arms out to the sides.

"Oh alright. If you really want me to." I replied, a small smile crossing my muzzle. Then I clapped a few times, the lights shutting themselves off. The children, being confused and scared, ran screaming to their parents as I made my way towards my cloud swing. I heard the curtains open up in the small stage area, signaling that Toy Bonnie had made it there. Then, I clapped a small rhythm, a spotlight shining down on me, and the stage lights turned on, shining down on Toy Bonnie. Then, I started to sing, Perfect Two by Auburn.

"You can be the peanut butter to my jelly

You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly

You can be the captain and I can be your first mate

You can be the chills that I feel on our first date." I sung as I swung back and forth, hearing Toy Bonnie playing the guitar to the song, trying to play a tune that goes with it.

"You can be the hero and I can be your sidekick

You can be the tear that I cry if we ever split
You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin

Or you can be the sun that shines in the mornin." I hopped off the swing at this point, my skirt fluttering around me before returning to its normal dome shape.

"Don't know if I could ever be

Without you cause boy you complete me

And with time I know that we'll both see

That we're all we need!" I turned towards Toy Bonnie at this point, holding one hand out towards him and the other on my chest, right over where my heart would be if I had one.

Step together, step, turn! Step together, step, turn! Repeated in my mind as I did the actions, gliding towards the stage as I did so. I heard large gasps as the same little girl who asked me to sing ran out in front of me, shouting, "Miss Jynni! Stop you're going to crush Mr. Bunny!" I glanced down in front of me and I saw a purple bunny who reminded me of the original Bonnie, who was hiding nearby since he didn't feel well, which was why Toy Bonnie was taking his place for today. "(y/n)! No!" I heard a woman shout. I couldn't stop moving. I had tried already but I was starting to malfunction because my systems couldn't keep up with the sudden change in momentum. I ended up falling almost on top of the girl.

Before the parents could come over and grab the little girl Toy Bonnie came up and rolled me off of the girl since my systems were still trying to boot themselves back up. "I want Bonnie!" She shouted,pushing Toy Bonnie away from her.

"I'm right here." Toy Bonnie replied, reaching for the little girl.

"No! I want the real Bonnie!" The girl replied, although I almost missed what she had said as my normal thoughts were replaced with a strange voice that sounded like a darker and deeper version of my own. "She knows your love's secret.

She can see through the facade.

You have to protect your love.

Kill the girl before he loves another.

Don't let him see her or you'l lose him..."

I have to...kill (y/n)! I concluded, standing up. I smiled wide at the thought of a good chase, imagining what it'd be like to have fresh blood in my teeth. Then I ran, wanting to find (y/n) quickly. I bust the door open, darting down the hall. Everyone screamed when I ran into the main area. The other animatronics, Freddy, Chica, and shockingly original Bonnie, were all out there, trying to handle the chaos that I created. I looked around, trying to find that damned child before she could get to Bonnie.

"Bonnie!" I heard a familiar shout. I quickly looked around before seeing the little girl a small ways away.

"Gotcha." I muttered, darting towards her and pushing parents, employees, and children towards the other animatronics. The girl screamed and ran, I chasing after her at this point. I fell to the ground, something forcing me down from behind. I looked up behind me and saw that the original Bonnie had pinned me down. "What are you doing Jynni?" He asked, semi-shouting over the noise.

"Trying to protect you from that little beast!" I replied, my voice being the same deep voice that I had heard in my head earlier on.

"Protect me? She's doing nothing wrong!"

"No! You're wrong about that love! She's going to kill you!"

"No, you're going to kill her!" He shouted back. Fed up with the distraction, I threw him off my back, running towards where I last saw the little girl fleeing. I found her quickly and I immediately lunged at her, my hand plunging into her stomach. She screamed loudly at a very high pitch. The next thing I knew was darkness, followed by throbbing in my head...

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