The Labor Day Game

458 21 1

Bonnie's P.O.V


I sighed, pulling (y/n) into a hug before releasing her and moving back up on stage. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE was giving me a strange look. Once I was in my spot I looked up at the clock, 5:59. I didn't even bother putting the effort into transforming back into my animatronic form, knowing that once I was in day mode I would automatically switch back. I waited. And waited. And waited. And waited.

Eventually I heard laughter and I glanced down at where the laughter was coming from. I raised an eyebrow at the girls before glancing up at the time again, 6:01. It caused me to do a double take, increasing the volume of the girls' laughter. "Hey Bonnie. Today's Labor Day." I heard Freddy tell me.

"Gee thanks bud." I replied, smiling at him.

"Now let the games begin!" Chica shouted, dragging a protesting (y/n) towards the kitchen. I jumped off the stage and ran after them along with Foxy and Freddy. "Last one's an unlucky rabbit!" Freddy challenged us, creating laughter from all three of us before I finally got the insult part of it. "Hey wait a sec!" I called as the others laughed harder and ended up slowing down. I used this opportunity to take the lead and beat the others to the party room. "Hah! Proved you wrong Freddy!" I shouted victoriously, jumping and pumping my fist into the air.

I saw (y/n) and Chica flash me a confused look before brushing it off, shaking their heads. "Come on you idiots," (y/n) said, "Or else we're gonna start the game without you." Then I rushed to my seat next to (y/n)'s as the others ran to theirs on each side of Chica. I swear those two are infatuated with her. I thought, shaking my head.

"Uh, where be te game lassies?" I heard Foxy ask the girls, a smirk growing on Chica's face.

"We're going to play hide n' seek." (y/n) said calmly, although when I looked down at her I saw a mischievous look in her eyes. "First found seeks next as always. Although we're going to play a little differently. Best out of six chooses the next game, if the seeker finds everyone they get the point. But, if the seeker gives up or runs out of time the ones who are still hiding get the points. Whoever reaches six points first wins. In the case of a tie, the tie breaker round will be the people who tied against the losers. The losers will search for those who tied, whoever is found last wins. If you use the cameras at all during the entire game you are automatically disqualified. Got the rules everyone?" (y/n) explained, using various hand motions.

I nodded my head in understanding. "How long would you be disqualified for?" Freddy asked.

"For the rest of the game until the tie breaker round. Then you get to seek with the others since you technically lost by being disqualified." Chica explained, Freddy nodding in understanding.

"Anymore questions?" (y/n) asked, earning silence from all of us. "Then let's let the games begin!"

(Time Skip brought to you by your very grateful author.

Scores: Foxy: 2 Freddy: 3 Chica: 1 Bonnie: 4 (y/n): 4

Round: 6)

"Alright, the time has been set. You all have a minute to hide as usual yada yada yada. Go!" Freddy called, staring directly at the timer, covering the sides of his eyes so he couldn't use his peripheral vision. I took off in the same direction (y/n) was going. I decided to try hiding underneath the tables in the party room. Soon (y/n) was out of my sight and I turned into the party room. I dove underneath one of the tables quickly, gaining what sounded like a squeak. I looed around and noticed (y/n) hidig on the other side of the table. "What are you doing in here?" She whisper-yelled.

"I'm hiding what are you doing in here?" I replied, also whisper-yelling.

"The exact same thing you're doing now get out! I was in here first!"

"No you get out I was coming here first."



"Ten! Nine! Eight!" Freddy started to count down the last 10 seconds in the background of our heated conversation.

"Quick! Get out while you still have time!" (y/n) whisper-yelled at me, now trying to push me out from underneath the table.

"Five! Four!"

"You get out! Again, I was here first!"

"Three! Two!"

"Hurry up!"

"Ready or not! Here I come!"

"Damn it." We both muttered at the same time. I hung my head down in defeat as we now had to stay in place. Well, we could move if we really wanted to but it would be too risky at this point. "It will be all your fault if we get found." (y/n) told me, glaring at me with a small pout.

"How would it be my fault?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I-" I heard footsteps so I quickly put my hand over (y/n)'s mouth to silence her so we wouldn't be found. Her eyes widened in surprise but she seemed to take the hint. There was shuffling, as though Freddy was searching under the other tables. I felt (y/n) stiffen in anticipation or something along those lines, then I heard him move on, not searching under all of the tables obviously. We both relaxed, I allowing my hand to drop for (y/n)'s mouth. "Maybe it's a good thing we ended up hiding in the same spot. Although, oddly enough this whole situation reminds me of when I was youn-ger." (y/n) comented her voice seeming to glitch at the end of her sentence. Shit! She isn't ready to remember yet! How is she remembering though?! No one's saying anything to her about her past! Wait... we played this when she was younger. That's what triggering it! The stupid game! I snapped out of my thoughts as I leaned forward and kissed her, stopping her systems from starting to lock up due to memories by overriding them. Luckily her mental systems hadn't started locking up like last time so she wasn't going to pass out and she knew I was kissing her. Then I pulled away slowly, still feeling her lips on mine. "Wh-what was that for?!" She whispered, eyes wide and cheeks lined with a dark red blush.

"It's not good to dwell on the past." I covered up, feeling my own cheeks heat up.

"That doesn't mean you had to kiss me!"

"Well, spur of the moment I guess."

Brrrring! Brrrring!

The timer went off, signalling that the 16 minutes we had to stay in hiding were up. "Looks like we're going to have to play that tie breaker round." I commented with a smile, despite feeling guilty for not telling (y/n) the truth.

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