Chapter 19

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This chappie was written by the amazing nialltomyliam so you should all go and fan/follow her so enjoy and don't forget to vote/comment/fan/follow :)

Harry POV

As I sat cringing, and thinking about the what if's I will never know because i'm leaving tomorrow I can't stay here he knows where I am he can find me, kill me in my sleep...

I wriggled down and made myself as comfy as I could on the cold hard ground, I heard foot steps and I cringed making myself as small as possible. part of me wanted to see Louis again and the other half of me told me to get up and run untill it isn't possible to keep going.

I stayed in my ally way untill the early hours of the morning, and after a sleepless night i decided it was time to leave. My brain went into hyperdrive when I heard the sound of the voice I never wanted to hear again. 'Harry, Harry where are you? I can explain, I promise I won't hurt you" he called out I heard him get closer and closer, thats when my mind took over and I bolted, my soacked feet noiselessly pounding the pavement.

I didn't stop running untill I couldn't breathe properly and my feet and ankles were aching from the constant impaction of the concrete. I looked around I had no idea where I was so i crashed on the closest allyway. I fell asleep quickly and i had the strangest dream, I was lifted by strong arms and walked up to a nice building where I was taken into a flat and placed  on the comfest bed ever.

I woke up and I immediately paniced I wasn't where I went to sleep last night in fact I was in a hotel on the most comfy bed. Strange I thought I sat up and looked around noticing a pad of paper on the bedside table with scrawling writing on it:


Have a shower and get cleaned up then go down to the restarunt at 12.30

I freaked: it was Louis I knew it, I felt it in my toes, I looked at the time 11.30 time enough for a shower and time to get myself outta here before he goes crazy murderer on my ass, I thought before heading over to the bathroom.

Louis POV

I searched the streets from about 2am untill I gave up at 6am I walked home and found Harry asleep on my street corner "Good i thought a chance to talk to him" I gathered him up and pulled him into the hotel my friend was staying at. Leaving him a note I left and went home to clean up and get in some extra hours of sleep before I spill my story.....

Sleep was all i could think about, I let my mind wander away and sleep over took me, i woke hours later to my alarm going of like a crazy thing it is. I got up and had a quick shower and walked down to the hotel. I made my way into the restaraunt, where I sat down and waited 12.10....12.15....12.30....12.35 he still wasn't here I was begining to think he wouldn't turn up, 12.40 came and went and at 5 to 1 he finally emerged looking every but as sexy as usual, I tried not to hide my excitement, but there was no denying this kid turned me on like a tap my pants tightened as images of our previous encounters flashed through my mind: Harry moaning my name......

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