Part 9 humans

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Hiii, dreamer here, this is part 9. i hope you like it.

Katsuki Bakugo's POV.

I was walking on the beach to look for anyone that needs my help. Shitty hair took over from me and is now sitting on the rescue chair. I'm getting really sick of all the girlfriend nonsense. Why won't they just let me live my life.

As i walked to a part of the beach where no one ever comes, i see some kind of kid curled up in a ball sitting in the sand. When i was close enough, i could see that it wasn't a kid. It was a someone from my age. I ran towards him and crouch down next to him. He crawled backwards a bit and i saw that he was.... naked? What the fuck? "This isn't a nudist beach you know? Who are you?" The boy looked up at me confused. "What is your name?" I ask again. "....Izuku Oceanbloom." He answered. "Why are you naked? Where are your cloths? What the fuck happened to you?" I waited a while until he answered. "I was swimming." He answered. "Where are your cloths?" "I don't have any." He said and i was kind of surprised. I took of my sweater and gave it to him. "Where do you live?" 

Izuku's POV.

I can't tell him that i'm from the sea. "I don't know." I answered. "What the fuck do you mean you don't know? How do you not know where you live?" I looked down. He is kind a scary. Can i even trust him? And what did he give me? He asked if i had cloths, did he gave his cloths to me? It's not made out of seaweed. "What the fuck are you waiting for? Put it on." The human said gesturing to the sweater.  How do humans even wear this? I tried to put my legs in it but the human stopped me.

"What are you doing? Don't put your feet in there it's meant for your arms." I look at the clothing and then at the human in confusion. 

Katsuki's POV.

What the fuck is wrong with this kid? Doesn't he know how to put on a sweater? And how dasn't he know where he lives and why the hell dasn't he have any cloths? This kid is a mystery. As he looks up at me with a confused face i decided that i would help him a bit. "Here let me help you. stretch your arms." He das what i told him to do and i put the sweater on him. "Come on, it's getting late. You can stay the night with me then we can look for your house tomorrow." i stand up again and start walking but soon realize that the boy is still sitting there. "Oi, are you coming or what?" I asked and he looks kind a sad at his legs. He can't be parallelized if he just took a swim so that can't be the problem. "What's wrong?" I ask again. "I have trouble walking." The green haired boy answered. Tch what a trouble maker. I walk up to the boy again and lift him up off the sand. Just like that i started walking home while carrying a strange boy.

I walked to my apartment since it's closer. Although i usual stay at my mansion for the weekend but it will be fine. I got to my door and opened it quit thankful for my easy lock. I entered and closed my door behind me and then walked to the spare room. I laid the boy down on the bed and took a chair to sit next to the bed. He fell asleep on the way here. Such a pain in the ass honestly what am i going to do with him? 

I turn my head to look at him and now that i pay attention to details on the boy's face. He does't look so bad. He has green fluffy hair and freckles sprinkled over his cheeks in shape of little stars and bubbles. I couldn't get my eyes off of him. I reached out and caressed his cheek with my hand. His skin was so soft and pale but as i looked at him i could see a lot of scars. Three lines behind his ears and on his neck. From what are they? And why at such weird places? I came closer and closer to the boy to take a good look.

Suddenly my phone went off. It scared the hell out of me. I finally took my eyes off the boy and picked up. "What do you want?" I asked. "Calm down bro. I just called to ask where you are. We can't find you on the beach." Kirishima says from the other end of the phone. "Yeah i went home early." I answered. "Okay no problem bro. See ya tomorrow." He ended the call and i left the room so i wouldn't end up staring at the boy again. Tch I forgot his fucking name.

This was part 9. I hope you enjoy and have a good day. KEEP DREAMING! dreamer out^-^

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