Dream of 08/03/21

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I dreamed of Byeongkwan and Chan last night. It was the first time I dreamed about Byeongkwan, and let's just say I didn't expect it to turn this way.

Byeongkwan, Chan and I were stuck in a strange place and had no other choice than to infiltrate a network of tunnels that was very scary and in which apparently many people got lost (it is said that nobody ever got out).

We decided to opt for the following strategy: Byeongkwan at the front, who decided which direction to take, Chan in the middle, who looked at the sides and the paths we decided not to take (just in case), and me at the back, with a notebook in which I wrote down the directions we took (left - right - straight on).

The road was long, dark, gloomy, and the slightest noise scared us. Chan was the most scared even though I was the one at the end of the line (the best place to be attacked or kidnapped), and Byeongkwan was trying to keep his calm to guide us out of this hell as soon as possible.

After what seemed like an eternity, we found a door that led to a public pool. It was weird, we must have been looking even weirder, but it was our only option. Byeongkwan held the door while Chan and I sneaked out. We walked forward until we found a place to hide, and when we turned around, Byeongkwan was gone and the door was closed again.

The urge to turn around and open the door to see where he had disappeared to was unbearable, but we remembered what we had promised ourselves: "If we lose sight of one of us when finding an exit, we have to keep going because at least one of us has to survive. So with a broken heart, Chan and I left to find a safe place, praying with all our heart that nothing had happened to him and that he would join us soon.

Meanwhile, Byeongkwan, who had heard someone coming behind us, quickly closed the door and hid where he could. He had had this unpleasant feeling of being watched all along the way, but had not told us about it since he didn't want to scare us.

He found himself stuck in these tunnels with a person whose identity was unknown but whose intention could only be bad. Who was this person? Why was he following us from the beginning? Was it someone crazy who wanted to prevent us from getting out and keep us with him forever in this dark and gloomy place?

Lost in his thoughts, Byeongkwan had not paid attention to the fact that the footsteps were now a few meters away from him and that he had no way out. He concentrated on his breathing so that he wouldn't be heard in this dead silence, but it was already too late. The person was watching him, hidden behind a wall, with a smile on his face. Byeongkwan then decided to risk everything and started to run straight at him, hoping to run into him so hard that it would give him a chance to escape. However, the person who was waiting for him did not give him the chance and grabbed him violently, preventing him from moving.

It was a man, tall, thin, but with an impressive strength, and whose look and smile would have paralyzed anyone. This person was not normal, he was scary and clearly dangerous. Byeongkwan tried to free himself, but his attempt was quickly stopped by lines of light followed by areas of pain scattered all along his body. Knife wounds. The man had a curved blade knife hidden on him, and he obviously knew how to use it very well since it had taken only a few seconds to wound him in the throat, and in every major joint. Byeongkwan could feel the heat intensifying as his blood dripped everywhere, devouring his clothes.

" You didn't think you could escape me, did you? "

At these words, joined with a cynical laugh, Byeongkwan came to his senses and realized that he was in a situation where his survival rate was very low, too low. But what could he do? His body was in pain and he could feel his strength leaving him. He could barely stand. He thus made a last decision, a desperate decision whose percentage of success was very low or even non-existent. But it was better to try than to let himself die without doing anything.

He gathered his last bit of strength and grabbed the man's knife, trying to pull it out of his hand. But he lacked strength, and the man took the knife out of his hand and stuck it in his left eye.

Blood. Pain. Agony.

He wanted to scream until his throat was ripped out since the pain was so excruciating. But the man covered his mouth, stifling his cries. He was done for, and he knew it. No one and nothing could help him anymore. All he wanted was to put an end to his despair, to this suffering that was making him lose his mind.

Dream of 08/03/21 - Byeongkwan's sacrificeWhere stories live. Discover now