Chapter 3

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"I can hardly contain my excitement to write this email to you. Thank you so, so so so so much for letting me come and visit you! I genuinely think i'm about to cry, because i'm so happy! My life has changed so much since I first started talking to you, and I love you so much! I'm rambling so much, but i'm so excited to give you, Mike, Mum and dad a big hug. I can't thank you enough! When should I fly over? Lots of love -N xoxoxox"

I read the email out loud. It was one of the cheesiest things I had written and was an embarrassment to someone who usually writes well, like myself. As cheesy as it was, I meant every single word of it (including the section on rambling). It hadn't quite sunk in yet that I would be able to finally meet my favourite people on the planet. Most 16 year old girls would be excited to meet their favourite band member or actor, but this was so much more important than that. I was meeting my family: My very own flesh and blood! Although i have never been within a thousand miles of these people since i was a newborn, I felt closer to them than I have to my adoptive parents who I had seen face to face practically every day of my life. It was a weird feeling. It almost felt like you knew you had almost finished a double lesson of PE and had lunch right after.

I sat and thought about shopping with Aria, going to the gym with mike, chatting with Ella and joking with Byron. What once had been a picture perfect dream was unbelievably close to becoming reality. Then it hit me. My adoptive parents didn't even know that I knew, let alone was flying over 3000 miles to meet a group of people I hadn't seen for over 16 years. What if they didn't let me go? Also, what is the Montgomerys didn't like me? what if it was awkward and I didn't get on like I was convinced we would do? I was crying again, but instead of tears of joy, it was paranoia.

I lay on my bed and calmed myself down. I forced myself to think strait, Of coarse they would like me. I know so much about them already, and nothing is sounds negative to me. Couples meet online and end up spending their entire lives together, so I will definitely have at least a few things in common with my real family. I got up off of my bed to get myself a drink of water, when my feet hit the black box. A black book I mustn't have noticed fell to the ground.

I Am Nancy Montgomery  (Pretty Little Liars Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now