Chapter 61

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// I saw the photo on the top on Instagram and it made me laugh. If there's a new character called Nancy who's Mike's twin in 6B I will laugh so hard. //

My English lesson went fast, as I enjoy English. I am from England, so really I think I deserve extra marks for that. The second lesson was history with Mr Saltzman. Then, I had two maths lessons one after another, which wasn't what I needed on a Monday morning. Lucky luckily, Vanessa was with me in that class, so I wasn't that new girl who sits in a corner alone.

I had only known Vanessa a few hours, but I really liked her. She had strawberry blonde hair, pale skin with millions of little frackles, and blue eyes. She was taller and curvier than I would ever be, so basically she made me look like a six year old. She wore a plain navy and white baseball shirt, a pair of denim shorts, a black and white plaid shirt wrapped around her waist, and a pair of white converse. You'd think she was a tomboy from what she was wearing, but she had a bright pink bag and she clearly took her time curling her golden locks to perfection.

"Remember to write the answers on the sheet provided." Said the maths teacher that I had managed to forget the name of already. The bell rang, informing us that it was finally time for lunch.

"Hey, Nancy," Vanessa called as she walked a little faster to catch up with me. "Do you have someone to sit with at lunch?"

"Aria said I could sit with her and her friends. I also said I'd talk to Mike." I told my new friend.

"That's great. I meant, I'd love to sit with you, but I was going to go and put my name down for some clubs and that sort if thing." Vanessa explained. She seemed happy that I had somewhere to go, but I had nowhere I expect she would have been willing to cancel her plans and sit with me. I just got nothing but good vibes from this girl.

I waved to Vanessa as she walked down the corridor before turning round and walking the opposite direction.

"You're Mike's girlfriend?" I was stopped by a snobby looking girl with bleach blonde hair and excessive amounts of fake tan. She was giving me the dirtiest look I had probably ever received.

"No, I'm his sister." I said, frowning. I then walked around the over confident girl who had blocked my way and continued to walk down the hallway towards the canteen. I was only presuming it was the right way, as with every step closer it got noisier.

"I thought I'd have grey hair by the time you arrived, Nance." Mike said with a grin on his face when I arrived. It was blatantly obvious that he had been planning to say that to me all morning, but I didn't mention this as I didn't want to make my brother cry. "How was your morning?"

"It's been good so far," I told Mike. "I made a friend, she's called Vanessa."

"I like Vanessa. She used to have really ugly teeth when she was 9, though. Thank god for braces." Mike said.

"How is that relevant to anything." I said with a confused laugh. I loved my new found brother, but he said some really weird things. I feel sorry for Mona having to put up with this.

"It's not." Mike answered my rhetorical question with a strait face. A seemed to do a good job at faking to be Aria and embalming me, but he or she needed some more research on Mike. All they mentioned about Mike is sports, not that he was sarcastic and weird. Good weird, though.

"Guess who?" Mona popped up out of nowhere and covered Mike's eyes with her hands from behind. It made me want to facepalm because it was so cheesy, but it was also cute and made me laugh.

"Hey Mona." I said.

"You ruined the surprise!" Mona sounded genuinely upset, Even though all three of us knew she was there.

"How about you two lovely ladies go and get lunch, while I go and find my friends. Okay?" Mike said as he slowly took a few steps back. He almost fell into a bin, but managed to get back on his feet just in time.

Me and Mona walked into the canteen to go and buy our lunch. In my old school I brought my own lunch from home, but the school here was bigger and looked like it had more food options. I was correct. I was happy to find out that they had a grand total of seven vegetarian options. I chose pasta with tomato sauce, picked up a bottle of water, and grabbed a raspberry muffin. I tried to convince myself that the raspberries made the muffin healthy.

"So, are you sitting with Aria and everyone?" Mona asked once we had payed for our food.

"She had asked me too, but I'm more than happy to sit with you if you're alone." I said.

"You sound so formal and English. I'm more than happy to sit with you." Mona imitated my voice, which made us both laugh. Let's just say if Mona god a job as an actress she would not be playing a part with a British accent. Or any accent other than her own.

Mona and I walked across the canteen to look for a couple or spare seats. I was planning on staying with Mona, but Aria saw me and beckoned me over. When I got closer to the take Aria and her friends were at, she said Mona was welcome to sit down too. I was really happy that Aria had got closer to Mona since the kidnapping, so nothing was awkward at the table. Even Alison seemed okay with Mona's presence, and they hated each other's guts less than six months ago.

"I've not seen you for ages!" Alison said when I sat down in the empty seat between her and Aria.

"I feel like I haven't seen anyone, except Aria obviously, in forever." I said, happy to finally see everyone.

We spent the rest of our lunch break catching up and laughing. We got a lot of stares, as our table included the new kid, the girls who were arrested, the girls who were kidnapped, the girls who faked their deaths. It was hard to ignore the looks we got, but it didn't affect my happiness. For the first time in my life I had a secure group of friends. I hadn't known them for long, but we went through a lot in the first days and weeks we met. I would obviously have to make more friends my own age, as I was in a lower grade than everyone on the table, but it was still lovely to be able to move to a new school without being a complete loner like I was in my last school.

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