Chapter 56

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//Just a little reminder to remind you to vote, comment, and share with anyone who you think would enjoy my story. I haven't been getting many comments recently, and I love receiving them so much. Also, in this story Aria and everyone her age will still be in school.//

It had been four days since we had arrived back in Rosewood. We spent the first day unpacking and catching up on sleep. The second day was spent buying paint to recolour the walls of my new bedroom. I painted three walls white, and painted the fourth wall black and planned to decorate my feature wall. Me and Aria both owned a Polaroid camera each, so I would have a row of cute photos with new memories attached to them soon. I also ordered an Aztec patterned duvet cover from the Internet, along with a few scatter cushions and a new lampshade. I was so grateful for my new things, but I would definitely be adding tony room once I got some of my own money.

Me and Aria were sitting on my new bed. We had been spending more time in my room, as I had brought my speakers from my old house with me when I returned back to Rosewood. The two of us were flicking through a magazine when Ella opened the door.

"So, it's back next Monday." Ella started the inform us. "It's okay if you're not ready to go back after everything that's happened."

"I don't know about Nance, but I'm fine with going back. I don't want to let what happened drag me down." Aria told her mother and then looked at me, waiting for a comment.

"Can I just turn up at school? Are there even any places available?" I asked. In answer to my question, I got Aria and Ella laughing at me. Thanks for that, family.

"Nancy, rosewood is tiny. Rosewood high school will probably never have too many students, unless everyone had quadruplets." Ella explained while she tried to disguise her small grin. "I can go and call up the school to sign you up. There's usually at least one member of staff around the week before school re opens to help get everything ready."

Once Ella left the room, Aria jumped up and decided to drag me off the bed, too. Her green eyes were wide so that she looked crazy.

"What on earth are you doing?" I asked my sister.

"This is mr excited face, because we're going shopping to get you some school clothes and a new bag!" Aria answered.

"I'd say you look more possessed than excited." I said, rolling my green eyes that were similar to hers.  She gave me a fake punch in the arm before continuing to drag me out of the room. She gave me a couple of seconds to grab my bag, and then we left.

I wasn't sure what the names of any of the shops were. What we had done was just walk into any shops that had manakins dresses pretty in the window.

"Have you seen anything you like?" I asked Aria. I hoped I wasn't the only one who has picked up quite s few items, as I didn't want to have to rush in the changing rooms.

"I have like," there was a slight pause while Aria counted the clothes she had chosen. "Six things."

"I have seven. I'm going to go and try them on." I told Aria, who then followed me to the changing rooms.

My first outfit was a grey long sleeve top with a red A-line skirt. I planned to wear it with some socks and boots that I already had at home. After our outfit change, me and Aria would open our doors and look at each other's outfit. People around us probably found it annoying, but I thought it was cute. I'd never had someone I could have a girly shop with before.

"I'm just zipping up this skirt and then I can open the door." I told Aria, who was patently waiting to see my outfit choice. I opened the door, and we both had the exact same pair of jeans on.

"What clothes size are you?" Aria asked.

"In the UK I'm an 8, so I think I'm a 4 in American sizes." I said while I turned round to double check the size on the label. I was right about the size.

"So am I. We should totally share a pair." Aria said.

"Totally!" I attempted to say totally in thd worst American accent ever, pretending to mimic my sister.

"I only said totally so I could hear your horrible American accent." Aria said. Still laughing at me, she closed her door to try on her next outfit.

I Am Nancy Montgomery  (Pretty Little Liars Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now