"Curse!? That scary thing is a curse!?"

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"I'm going out now!" You yelled out to both of your dads, one is cleaning the dishes in the kitchen after serving breakfast this morning while the other is also wearing his shoes to prepare for his work this morning.

"Have a good day!"

"Stay safe!" They said in their own personality and voices before you strolled away in your roller blades to school. The weather is so nice today. The cherry blossom is falling, you cherished this moment so much. Especially since the season of spring is so short in Japan. Seeing the street decorated in pink flowers along the road and the water at the side of the road is a treatment for your sore eyes after facing winter.

After the winter holiday, you are so excited to finally see all of your friends again, go out with them to the town, eat ice creams, and do many things with each other. Maybe you could watch that new movie coming into the cinema in Tokyo! You are looking forward for your normal life once again. Since the spring time seems nice, you could maybe ask your parents to take you out for a picnic also this Saturday.

You skated around and twirling in your roller blade shoes, taking the fresh air in the morning. Before you heard a sound in the corner of the alleyway. A curiousity took over you, you peeked slightly. It sounds like munching noise, must be a cat! How cute! You wanna pat it before continue your way to school.

You creeped around the corner, trying to not scared the cat with your presence but instead of a soft fluffy fur ball, you were greeted with tall inhumanly skinny silhouette eating a rotten corpse of a woman on the ground like a hungry dog. It happen to quickly that you were dumbfounded.

"Huh?" The only thing you were able to say before you looked at the creature who haven't notice you until now.

Your knees are shaking but, you looked at the woman that were very much death. But, it's so cruel. To leave a body of once a person to such a creature. You gulped your saliva before you silently search throughout the area until you found a metal pipe, rusty but it is a useful. You carefully approached the creature while gripping the pipe hard.

You don't know what is this creature or even it's capability, could it also kill you, why are you even bother to help a body? You don't know, but seeing such violence before your eyes, your heart and body just moved on its own. You raised the metal pipe high above your head, closing your eyes, you swinged the metal pipe hard but somehow it hit the wall instead creating a loud noise.

You opened your eyes, to see that the strange creature is no longer. In fact, it seems to have disappeared entirely.

"Oi, kid. What do you think you are doing?"

A scruffy rough male voice spoke to you as you glanced up to see a man in a trench coat with brown hair and tired face, putting his katana away as he pulled out a stick of lollipop. He opened the wrapper and put the candy in his mouth, crossing his eyes before glancing back at you.

"You, you can see curses huh?"

"Huh!? Curse, that scary thing is a curse!?"


"Damn, how did a normal citizen get passed the domain in the first place?" The scruffy man named Kusakabe muttered under his voice in annoyance as you sit beside him in the assistant's car with a nervous face, clenching your skirt. You don't know anything about what just happen but you don't wanna cause any trouble by witnessing something that you weren't supposed to see. Oh no, what if they are going to out you under a witness protection after this!?

"U-uhm, I don't know what I just saw earlier but I promised I will keep quiet about all of these." You mumbled as you keep looking down at my white shoes. Hoping you be able to reason with them to not done anything to me like remove your memory or something. Worse case scenarios is that they will kill you and covered up your death.

"Relax, kid." Kusakabe said as he turned to you and rolled his eyes in annoyance once again. "Your ability, it's just something very useful to us."

"Huh?" You tilted my head to the side when he mentioned about 'us'. Who is that? An organisation he have worked with.

He scratched the back of his head as he turned his head to the world outside the moving car right now before taking another stick of lollipop and eat them. "Us, you can say we are like a shadow agents. But we fight the thing, even science can't explained. We called them curses." He muttered pausing for a while, he sighed before continue his rant. "Curses are a creature made out negative emotions. Anything you can think off, anger, jealousy, grief... They are all made by non-sorcerers who can't control their curse energy or even see curses. Us, sorcerers can see curses and all of our jobs are to exorcise this beings from harming humanity."

You was dumbfounded by the info-dump you just received. You tilted your head more as you tried to process the man's words more and more. The more you tried to understand the more confuses you get by him.

"You don't have to understand much, I don't want to go into a long details anyway. You will meet this guy, he will take of this matter for you." Kusakabe explained before the entire car ride goes quiet which causes you to nod quietly to match the vibe of the room. Once the assistant's car stop, it reveal that you were taken to Tokyo but in the middle of a temple area. You gawked and awed in amaze, you never the religious person, you only go to pray at temple mostly during the new year or when there's a big event and wished everything will go fine.

"Come along, kiddo." Kusakabe said before walking up the hills. "Oh, yes!" You nodded once again before following him like a lost puppy. "So kiddo, you got a name?"

"It's Kinomoto..." You explained to him. "( _ ) Kinomoto." You told him, he stopped for a while. Raising his eyebrow at you which cause you to widen your eyes. "Kinomoto huh?" He muttered, before turning back and continue walking up the road track, until both of you reach a school. It looked like a religion school which causes you to glanced around with a confused look before a tall man with white hair, and the most noticeable feature of his which is a blindfold around his eyes.

"Ah, you must be my future new student?"


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