"Oh, nice to meet you!"

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The sea urchin boy with a green eyes turned around when you called for his name. You are running at a high speed, looking upset like you are at the verge of tears right now. I jumped and hugged him which he managed to catch you. "Thank goodness, you are okay!!" I cried out to him and I clinged to him tighter which causes the boy to blush. "Yeah, yeah.."

He was embarrassed, he had got beaten again after the last mission. The one wear he need to retrieve the cursed object, which Sukuna's finger. It didn't go so well, take to your idiot teacher. Who seems to care more about sweets then actually doing his jobs. "Do you need any help? Do you want me to hell you walk back to your room? Do you need anything?"

"Kinomoto, I'm fine. Really." Megumi sighed as he pushed back his hair slightly in stress. He still was a little embarrassed by the situation. "Ieiri-san told me to rest for a day. I will recovered tomorrow." His voice and body language reassured you. You pouted a bit before nodded but in a stubborn manner still. "Okay, but if you need anything just call me. I'm Ieiri-san's assistant after all."

Oh yeah, after a few months of training, you have volunteered yourself to become the nurse's aid around the school. Ieiri-san can't always help to aid people alone, so you have offered yourself to her one day. It also helps you with your training to gain your Reverse Cursed Technique. This way, less people will get hurt and you can help more people.

Megumi thought, how did you even become a sorcerer? Well it is as simple as, you have the ability to see curses. But still a personality like you, isn't the type to last long in the industry. He don't wanna hurt you with that sentence, it is more out of concern for you. You just seems to nice and cheerful. Like a yellow bouncing ball going around trying to help people even it means sacrifice yourself.

You weren't necessarily a hero, more like a healer. But you still play both roles very well in his mind.

'Tsumiki...' Megumi wandered about the word of his older sister but shaking that thought away when you bombarded him with another question.

"Anyway, where is Gojo-sensei? I didn't see him in a while now. Is he okay?"

"He's alright. Don't worry about that idiot, whatever he do it, he is the least to get effected by it." He mumbled in annoyance and slight anger but still with awakened of the King of Curses, Ryoumen Sukuna, inside of a random teen boy's body, he knows the mouth-battle Gojo-sensei have to go through with the higher-ups to be able to save Itadori Yuuji.

"Huh, really? Well then. But still it's nice if I able to see him again." You told yourself before following Megumi to the training ground which you looked nervous for him since you remember the Ieiri-san's advice about how he needs to heal before he can go into action once again. It causes me to panic. "Hooaaeeh!!" You yelled out.

"Stop Fushiguro!" You told as you gripped the dummy training doll away from him, which he was prepared to practice to refine his skills more. "Huh?" He said as he feels kinda bothered to be stop so suddenly. "You shouldn't be training right now!" You told him as you take his sleeve. "You should be resting now. You can train tomorrow instead."

"Kinomoto, I told you, I-." He was about to continue before you shake your head. "No!" You said before attempting to drag him away. "You need to rest." I said with a firm stubborn voice but still maintain that pouty kinda childish demand.
"Kinomoto...." He mumbled, before tugging his hand away gently away from you. "I'm fine, alright... I just want to move some of my muscle." He mumbled ine last time before turning to the dummy doll. He kicked the doll once before does a back kick again to the doll. He can feel the pain from his injury still but he ignored it and keep pushing forward. The next step which he accidentally landed him in the wrong footing, causes him to fall which you gasped and immediately catch him. "Are you alright!?" You screamed in panic which he groaned and mumbled.

"My right foot, it cramped a bit..." He groaned as he clutched his foot. You looked over it for a while before putting his arm around your shoulder to help him stand up and carry him to Ieiri-san's office. Hope she is there and not on her smoke break.

"It's okay, Fushiguro. I will help you. Just hang on in for a second before we arrived there. Everything is gonna be alright." You talked to him as you both walked all the way up when you struggled slightly to carry him. Fushiguro stays quiet through the whole walk before he started speaking again.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled under his voice but I catched that. Your eyes widened as you replied with a "Huh?" You asked him.

"I'm sorry for... Being stubborn and bothering you..." He said again with a more shy expression, he tried to bury his face into your neck as he blushed again. The pink colour on his pale skin decorate it so nicely which causes you to smile brightly. "It's fine! I don't mind, I always help my friends no matter what!" You replied as he continued our journey together, hand-in-hand. You don't mind if he is stubborn, you have learn away to get his friendship and trust, making you and Fushiguro very close as a first year. Because that, you understand why he can be so stubborn sometimes, you get used to it and be able to see the charm in it.

"Thank you, Kinomoto..." He said as he have those rare small smile.

❀ 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 ❀ • 𝒋𝒖𝒋𝒖𝒕𝒔𝒖 𝒌𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒏 Where stories live. Discover now