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Will's POV:

"It's not my fault you don't like girls!" Mike blurted out.. hearing that made my chest sting...
'It is your fault...' I wanted to say.. but i never could.
Mike regretted what he said but kept going.. he said some stuff about getting girlfriends and growing up.
But I couldn't hear him... I didn't want to hear him... everything he said hurt.
He asked me if I thought we'd sit in his basement all day everyday playing games...
It was what i wanted... not what I thought would happen.. i wanted it because we spent our best times playing games..

"Yeah.. I guess i did. I really did..." I said angrily.. I grabbed my bike and started cycling away..
Mike tried to yell some crap to get me to stay but the rain was too loud and i was too upset to hear...

When i got home I went to castle Byers and collapsed on my knees quietly crying..
I grabbed a photo of our friend group and stared at it... it was from last year on halloween when we all dressed up together..

I angrily ripped the photo apart and started ripping other photos.. I couldn't even see them because my eyes
were blurry with tears. I grabbed my baseball bat and got outside.

I started hitting the castle with the bat wrecking everything with sheer rage and despair...
I was screaming and my whole body hurt.. I was shaking.
I violently kept on hitting until my legs gave out and i fell on my knees.. crying under the pouring rain.
My hands were shaking and my chest was hurting...
I wasn't mad at Mike... i was mad at myself because he was right... i was delusional.. and a freak.
I fell on my side and hugged my legs.. half of my face got buried in the mud.

After an uncertain amount of time i heard someone approaching from the woods.. but i was too tired to look.

"Will?!" A familiar voice yelled anxiously.. running towards me.
Mike placed his hand on my arm and gently shook me.
"Will! I'm so sorry please! I didn't mean it! I love playing dnd with you you know that! Please don't cry.." He said worriedly.
I weakly sat up and looked at him with heavy eyelids..
I had nothing to say... i was simply too tired to talk..

He hugged me despite me being soaked with filthy rainwater and mud... he put his hand on the back of my head.
"I'm so sorry... I promise I'll never make you sad again..." Mike said.. he almost sounded like he was crying.
Without wanting to I melted into his embrace and leaned my forehead into the crook of his neck.. I started crying again.
"You... didn't say anything wrong" i said quietly...

I placed my arms around his back and took in a deep breath...
"The reason I'm upset is... is because you're right" I sobbed.
Mike didn't say anything... he seemed like he was waiting for me to keep talking... so i did.

"I don't like girls..." I said quietly... almost inaudibly.
"I like you" I admitted in a whisper... but I wasn't sure if he heard me...

I closed my eyes waiting for those dreadful scenarios I thought of for years...

"Ew dude! You're gay? And you're even sick enough to like me? That's disgusting!

"I'm sorry dude i like El very much and I'm planing on making up with her...aaand, it's kinda weird that you're gay."

"Oww man! And here i was calling you my best friend! Look at this f@g thinking he has a chance or something!"

"Dude... ew... you're gay?! Get away from me!"

But instead i was greeted with a tight squeeze... Mike held me close and hugged me tight.
He didn't say anything... but he started rubbing my back in circles.. like he was trying to soothe me.
"I... I don't know much about this.. stuff but u-um..." He said quietly.. his voice was cracked.
"I just want you to know that.. uh" he cut himself off.. squeezing me even tighter I almost couldn't breathe.

"I want you to know that i said that horrible stuff because i was scared... scared of myself.." He said quietly.
He let go of me and made me look at him.. his hands now on my shoulders.
His eyes were glossy with tears and his cheeks were pink... "T-the truth is..."He started.. but couldn't keep going..
He huffed in frustration and grabbed my hand...

He pressed my hand against his chest and my eyes opened wide when i felt his heart pounding fast under my palm...
Tears started falling from his cheeks and he looked into my eyes.. he almost looked... scared.
"The truth is... the one that doesn't like girls... the one that can't... is me." He cried.
"I only said it to you to push you away from myself... so I wouldn't feel... this.." he said looking down on his chest..
Inside was his heart hammering at the speed of light against my hand...
A tired smile appeared on my face and I grabbed his hand in return.. placing it on my chest..
Mike's breath hitched when he felt the pounding mess that was the same with his...

Mike put his hands on my cheeks and smiled.. with tears still on his eyes..
"Does this mean you forgive me Byers?" He said teasingly.
I chuckled and put my hands on top of his.. "Yea... I guess it does" i said.
We giggled and then sat in comfortable silence under the rain for a bit... just looking at each other..

Then suddenly i felt Mike's lips against mine... my heart leapt in surprise and my stomach jumped..
Though my surprise quickly faded and this unfamiliar power took over me.. kissing him back with confidence i never ever had... I put my hands on his face and sucked in the feeling... the feeling of finally having him here.. against my lips.
The pure rage i felt just a few minutes ago was now replaced by indescribable euphoria...
My stomach was warm and fuzzy inside despite the cold rain.. Mike's lips were so soft.. just like how I imagined..
He was holding me so gently and he was so warm... i felt like i was dreaming.. my mind was going numb.. in a good way.
Soon we stopped to gasp for some much needed oxygen.. both of us were panting and our faces were bright red..

"Does this mean you like me Wheeler?" I huffed with a half chuckle..
Mike smiled and kissed my forehead... "Yes... it does... i like you." He said warmly.. not in a teasing manner...
Hearing that brought this stupid sappy grin to my face... I probably looked stupid.. but I didn't care.. i was too happy..
I let my head rest on his shoulder and took a nice relaxed breath... he gently ran his warm hand through my wet hair.
After a bit of sitting in silence he spoke up.

"Come on let's get inside and clean ourselves.. we are covered in mud." He said warmly.
I nodded and he helped me up on my legs... i felt so wobbly and heavy.. i was emotionally drained to be honest...
He helped me walk inside my house and we got inside.. i handed him a change of clothes and set the shower for him.

"You go ahead I'll go after you" I said. He nodded
When he got out I jumped in and cleaned myself from all the mud and dirt.. i felt refreshed... relaxed.

When i got out Mike was sitting on my bed with the pajamas i gave him.. he looked so handsome...
"Hey. Your hair is wet, c'mere I'll help you dry it." He said.. patting the spot in front of him.
I sat there and handed him the towel.. he started gently drying my hair.. I closed my eyes and a smile formed on my face.
When he was done he sat next to me and I leaned my head on his shoulder.. my heart felt so... full and warm.
He held my hand and leaned his head on top of mine...
"Can you stay here tonight?" I asked softly... "of course.." he said warmly.

After a bit of sitting together we decided to go to bed...
I closed the lights and climbed into bed.. Mike followed and he wrapped his arms around me..
It was thundering outside but I wasn't scared at all... not at all...
Because the only sound I could hear was Mike's heartbeat thumping softly against my ear...
'I love him so much' I thought to myself as I drifted into the best sleep i had my whole life.


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