Chapter 9

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"The gift shop closes in fifteen minutes, so if you have any shopping that needs to be done, you need to do it quickly," She said clearing her throat and snapping back to her senses.

"Hey Wills, can you help me real quick?" A woman asked as she walked in, "Andrew can take over."

"Okay," Willow smiled and nodded. "Have a good day Gentlemen," She said professionally as she left the counter and walked to where the lady was waiting.

"Is there something I can help you find Sirs?" The teenager asked as he walked behind the counter.

"No," North glared as they walked out of the gift shop.

"What now?" Luke asked as they walked over to couple of tables.

"We wait until she gets off work," Nathan shrugged. "Then we talk to her."

"I still don't understand why she ran," Luke said shaking his head. "I thought we made it perfectly clear how we felt about her."

"Yeah," Gabe nodded, "She fucking said she was ours and we were hers."

"She obviously thought it was just said in the heat of the moment," Silas said softly. "Plus, all the drinking she did, she thought she did something wrong and was scared of our reactions when we woke up. We knew she had a flight response, every time she gets scared she runs, we should have prepared for that possibility. It doesn't matter now though," He shook his head. "We finally found her so we can fix this. We can make sure she understands how we really feel about her now."

"We shouldn't have taught her how to go off the grid so well," Axel shook his head. "It shouldn't have taken this long to find her. She learned well from us unfortunately."

"Doesn't matter," Victor shook his head. "We found her so let's just wait for her to get off work so we can fix everything."

"That driver's face when North and Raven confronted him about where he took Babe," Brandon chuckled after a few moments of silence. "I thought he was going to pee his pants from fear."

"Da," Raven chuckled. "Funny."

"Doesn't matter," North shrugged, "we found out where Baby was."

"You scared the Uber driver?"

They looked up to see Willow standing there in shock. "Baby," North whispered.

"Don't you Baby me North Taylor," She glared. "How dare you scare the poor innocent Uber driver!"

"We were trying to find you, Cupcake," Luke pouted. "You ran away from us."

"Put your lip back in your mouth Lucian," She rolled her eyes, "that look doesn't work on me, and you know it. Did you ever think there was a reason you couldn't find me? Maybe I didn't want to be found. Go away and leave me alone."

"You know that's not true," Axel shook his head. "You are just scared because everything changed between us."

"Of course things changed Axel," She rolled her eyes, "Pity sex changes everything. You gave your friend pity sex after she had her heart ripped out and she was drunk. That's all it was and will ever be."

"Take it back now!" Axel fumed as he clenched his fist.

"What?" She rolled her eyes. "It's the fucking truth."

"Take it back now," He demanded.

"No," She glared.

"Take it back NOW," he commanded.


"Now Willow," Axel fumed.

"No," She crossed her arms over her chest.

"I swear to goddess Woman," He took a step closer to her.

"What?" She glared.

"," He said carefully and slowly through clenched teeth.

"No," She said slowly as she shifted to get more comfortable.

"God damn it Trouble, knock it off," Gabe sighed and rolled his eyes. "You know damn well that it wasn't pity sex and we fucking meant what we said. You are ours and we are yours. Now knock this shit off and come home."

"No," She fumed, "Nyet, non, ochi, Īe, nein, and every other way to say no. Go away, leave me alone."

"No," Owen declared, "You are having our child, so we won't be leaving you alone. You can be mad at us all you want, and you can think whatever you want, Willow, but you know deep down in your heart that you are wrong. It wasn't pity sex at all and it really was us showing you how much we truly deeply love you and want to be with you. Maybe we shouldn't have taken the very first opportunity to finally show you how much you meant to us but we did and we wouldn't change it for the world. We will do whatever it takes to get you to accept the truth no matter how long it takes. Now, we will finish this conversation at a later time. You need to get off your feet and get something to eat as I am sure you haven't ate in a bit from you being busy at work. Now, get in the car, Willow."

"What?" She asked completely dumbfounded in hearing him call her by her first name. Gabe opened his mouth but Luke quickly covered it and shook his head.

Owen stared her down and adjusted his tie, "Get your ass in the car Willow now."

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