A bad decision

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I've done it. I can't believe I've actually done it. I was a nervous mess by the time I got in a taxi and decided to go back home. I ran my hand through my hair for what seems to be the tenth time and watched as it trembled slightly. I took a deep breath as I thought about what I had actually done.

I've never thought that it was that easy. I went in there and within thirty-minutes, I got through. What the hell am I going to do now?

" you ok boyo?" The driver asked after looking in the rear-view mirror and somehow spotted how nervous I was.

" yes I'm fine. Please keep your eyes on the road." I replied and he chuckled while focusing his attention back on the road. I wasn't going to tell anyone about this, I wanted to keep this to myself. Groaning, I started to pound my stomach as I felt like I was about to vomit.

It wasn't really my intention to do this, I had two choices to make and I made the first choice that came to mind. Maybe it was a stupid decision, but the adrenaline that came with it was enough to calm me down. I don't have anything to worry about right? I'm an adult so I don't have to answer to anyone, well except for hunter since he paid for me and all.

I wanted him to see that I was still capable of doing things for myself, for now at least. It's Wednesday now and we were going to get married on Saturday. Of course I was a nervous mess, but I wasn't going to show it because I didn't want to be classified as a coward.

I paid the taxi driver after arriving and he gave me his number to call him if I needed anything. I rolled my eyes and tore the paper up, because that wouldn't happen in a million years.

I glanced behind me as I made my way inside the mansion that I still wish I didn't have to stay in and was instantly grabbed by hunter. I shrieked as he pulled me towards him, squeezing me as hard as he could as if he was happy to see me.

I started to struggle so that he could let go off me, but he only held me closer while taking a deep breath. He places his head in the crook of my neck and started to kiss me. I would be lying if I said It didn't feel good.

"seems as if someone's a bit happy to see me." He said as he reaches his hand out and my eyes became wide with fright as I realized he was about to find out what I had done.

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