I wagged my tail in delight I was so happy to finally do something around here. Well that was tell you found out you had to sneak into the kings place. "Yeah so I need you to get the book from him." blitz said "me? Why can't you?" I said "he will try to fuck me- so I need you too. Will it make it any better if I send moxxie with you?" he continued "I'll go if you go with me." I said trying to get him to come with me. "Fine but if we get caught I'm out." he said "ok" I said then we went in our way he stoped at the balcony. He then tried to climb up it but kept failing. "I can put you on my back and jump up there." he looked at me then nodded he jumped on my back as I jumped on the balcony. I looked in the window he wasent in there so I sat him down inside and went in. He grabbed the book and just as we were about to go out of the balcony again we heard stolas "oh blitzy~ you need to be sneaker then that baby~" hearing that he jumped on my back and I jumped down and we went back.