Chpt 21: A little kiss

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*knock knock*
"Boss? It's me, Wheezy" Oh Sht. Dice looks at his situation, he doesn't want to be seen looking like this, especially not in front of Mr. Wheezy, that guy is a chatterbox, he'll definitely be telling everyone what he saw. He tried moving, but he was too close to the table, he took a glance at his boss. He looks asleep and peaceful, Dice got distracted by his face for a sec, but then he snap out of it cuz he gotta leave. He pushed the chair back so his legs are free and turned the chair where there's space for him, so he was not facing the table, but the chair accidentally hit the table, causing the bottle of ink to move and tip over. Dice noticed this and quickly grabs the bottle before it could spill, not really thinking much about the position he was in. The devil grumbled, slowly waking up from his small nap cuz of all the movements, opening his eyes to see all the ruckus.

Dice's eyes widen.
His boss's lips were on his.

He immediately pulls away, placing the bottle of ink down "I-It's definitely not what it looks like!!! I-Itwasjustanaccidentandiwastryin'togetoutandIwasbeingcalledsoIreallygottagonowsir- so bye!!" He quickly said, while he was backing away, then sprinted outta there so fast, that even the Flash couldn't catch up. Leaving the flabbergasted demon all by himself.

Wheezy was about to leave when he didn't get an answer, but that is until he hears Dice's voice and saw him bust out of the door. He watched as Dice left, he wonders what that was all about. Now he feels a bit hesitant to enter the office. If Dice, his right-hand man, ran outta there like he was being chased by a bunch a' hyenas, then it ain't safe in there. Wheeze decided to leave and maybe look for Dice to find out what happened. He looked for him for a few minutes but he couldn't find him, so he decided to just give up and get back to work.

'....ffffffFFFFFFCCKKKK!!!' Dice grumbled to himself, hiding his face on his pillow, his face bright red as his brain repeats what happened earlier "Noooo.. what have I done. This is so humiliating..!" He places his head on top of the pillow, staring at nothing in particular "B-But it was an accident!! Surely he'll understand that right? A-and there ain't nothin' embarrassing about an accident! Not like I did that on purpose! Maybe he should even be grateful that I didn't spill the ink!" His eyes landed on his glove, it has splashes of ink on it, and it was now dirty "It was that stupid ink's fault!" He buried his face in the pillow once again, tightly closing his eyes in embarrassment. He doesn't know what to do or how to face him afterward. The worst part is that he still has a job to do! He just hopes that the devil won't be in the Casino! And if he was, then he'll just turn around and face the other way! Avoid him at all costs! But what if he was directly called? He can't just not follow his orders! That'll probably piss him off! Dice buries his face on the pillow even deeper 'I shouldn't be acting like this! I-It was just an accidental kiss! It doesn't mean anything! I have a girlfriend, I kiss her all the time! What's so different about accidentally kissing your boss?' He tried his best to convince himself and to calm himself down, but his mind just keeps on reminding him. His fingers gently touch his lips, remembering the taste of Devil's favorite morning coffee. His heart beating so fast, it's getting a little harder to breathe and his stomach feels a little ill. He almost feels a little sick. What's going on with him?

"Oh, you're back" Pirouletta was a bit surprised (not really) that Dice came back to work, "Wheezy said that you ran out of the office to take some fresh air, you alright?" Dice re-adjusts his bow a bit "Yeah, boss and I just had a little... misunderstanding" She and the others were on a small break, so Dice decided to not bother them and go back to the casino. He leaves the staff's room and went back to work, cautiously looking around the place to see if the boss is around. He seriously doesn't want to see him right now.

After some time, Dice got distracted- Oh, well, tried to distract himself by burying himself in his job. He was in the middle of a game and it just seems like his head is just floating. I mean, yeah technically his head is floating- but I mean it in a more- you understand right? Of course you do, you're smart. He wasn't focused on it, he tries to, but was always interrupted by a thought. The players flipped their cards, a game of poker, every player against the other, the pot is hot and loaded and everyone wanted that pot all to themselves. There was a bit of tension in the air, as two of the players, player 3 and player 6 looks like they are enemies, glaring at each other. Which they should not be doing since this is a game of poker, expression of other players and how they react to certain things might just be used against them, reading one's face and body language isn't that difficult. Dice cleared his throat and gave them a smile "Well! We have a lucky one today folks! Four of a kind beats a straight and a flush! It seems like this pot belongs to player 8!" Dice cheerfully announced, as he hears groans and sad noises from the other players. Player 8 was smiling proudly at himself, while the other two players looks like they were about to pick a fight, and drag player 8 with them. Dice still has one round to play, as he was shuffling his cards, a certain demon walks into the place he was in. Dice immediately stood up, looking for the nearest hallway he can leave "Sorry I have to cut the game short gentlemen, there are important matters I have to attend to" He quickly left, hoping the Devil didn't see him. He tries calming his heartbeat as he walks through the halls.

heeyy im sick :')
i caught a small fever, and decided to name it Bob
Say hi to Bob.

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