Chapter 7 : Another Guy.

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"Pete. How's your relationship going?" Candy, out of nowhere, asking me this question as we walked to our favorite cafe nearby the campus.

"Hmm.. we're good." 

"Seriously? Don't try cover up anything from me anymore." he tried to push me, but actually, me and Vegas are in a good place now.

"Candy. Hi!" the second we entered the cafe, there's a woman greets Candy. Very beautiful woman. With long brown curly hair and very pretty face.

"Hi.. How are you?" turns out, she's one of Candy's classmate when he was attending some cooking class last year. She talks with him for a few minutes as i ordered the food first and we sit together with this woman named Gia.

"So, Gia, you're alone here?" Candy asked after we're ready to leave Gia's table.

"I'm here with my brother. There he is.." as he walked in the door, i saw this man walking towards us, and Candy squeezing my thigh as he walk in. He's cute.

"Hi, everyone." he greets us.
"I thought you're gonna be alone." he added.

"We just bumped into each other." Gia replied.

"He's Candy, and this is Pete." she introduce us.

"Hi, Candy. Hi, Pete. I'm Leo." he said as he smile. With his glasses and white sweatshirt but i can clearly see that he have a great body. Not trying to sexualized him, but yeah, i bet he have a great body underneath that sweatshirt.

 Not trying to sexualized him, but yeah, i bet he have a great body underneath that sweatshirt

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15 minutes in the conversation, finally the food comes and we who decided to sit together. Leo is such a fun guy. Him and i really talk the same language. We love the same thing and he speaks joke. I mean, he laughed when i joke around. 

"I need to use a restroom." Leo said as he stood up and leave.

"Pete.. i know i just met you, but as his sister, i'm gonna say that you both look really cute together." Gia took me by surprise and Candy immediately grabbed his iced lemon tea glass and sip it like he doesn't want to intefere with whatever Gia said.

"Hmm.. actually, i have a boyfriend." i answered right away. I just don't want her to think i like her brother.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"No need too, i quite understand why you said that. We laughed at the same thing that you both didn't laugh at, so you might think we'd be a great companion together. Right?" i replied.

"Did your brother have history with cheating?" Candy asked.

"Hmm. No. He's a keeper." she answered.
"Why?" Gia added.

"No. Just asking." I know Candy's question is for me to hear.

"Hmm, i have class in 15 minutes, i need to go back." i said.

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