Chapter Eighteen: Meeting Zeph

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Alright guys so in this chapter Zeph is gonna come out (finally)! Anyways, I was thinking that Tom Hardy would be really good as Zeph? What do you guys think? I mean, after watching Mad Max I think he was just perfect for playing Zeph! Tell me what you think! Oh and at the top is Zeph's suit.

Brooke smiled widely against the kiss.

She felt butterfly's form in her stomach.She fiddled with her fingers as Fandral pulled her to his chest.

He gently cupped her face with both of his hands and deepened the kiss.He then gently stroked the light burns on her face from the cold tears.

Fandral then gently pulled away and grinned softly.Brooke giggled softly and Fandral chuckled."Oh Brooke,you're so adorable"Fandral said.

Brooke grinned and blushed at this."Shall we go back now?"Fandral asked.Brooke grinned and nodded,and then took Fandral's hand.

She was about to change into her normal clothing,but then suddenly someone grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of Fandral's reach.

Brooke yelped and twisted the persons arm,but when she heard the person say,"ow ow ow!"she looked up.It was only Peter.

Brooke took a deep breath and let go of Peters arm."You scared me Starprince!"She said angrily."It's Starlord"Peter corrected her."Whatever"Brooke said.

Peter looked at her angrily."Anyways,you shouldn't be out here.It's too dangerous for you"Peter said.

"Why?"She asked,raising an eyebrow."Remember,Zeph?"Peter asked her."Oh,right,Starprince"She said teasingly and grinned.

"Hey,thats not cool man"Peter groaned. Brooke giggled softly like a child, grinning. Peter smiled gently at her.

"Come on, you" He said in a loving way. Brooke grinned more and took Fandral's hand, beginning to follow Peter back into the movie theater.

But suddenly there was a loud BOOM, and Brooke fell backwards and yelped with her eyes widened as something hit Fandral; something big.

When she hit her butt on the floor, she saw that Fandral had been hit by a bazooka or something because he smashed through the wall of the movie theaters.

The only thing Brooke could hear was a loud ringing in her ears and her heart was racing. She was breathing heavily.

She felt Peter beginning to pull her up. "Get up!" Peter said, his voice blurry. "F-Fandral" Brooke stuttered as she got up with struggle and Peter kept his arms around her just in case.

"Alright, you're gonna be fine Brooke" Peter assured her, but Brooke was still really frightened. "Give her to me" a voice suddenly ordered.

Peter and Brooke quickly turned around, Brooke stumbling, but Peter kept his arm around her waist, making sure she wouldn't fall at all.

And there in front of them, stood Zeth. The red or the out war makeup make his hazel eye color stand out perfectly that was on the top half of his face; wait, that wasn't red war makeup...

He had small beard that was really short. His suit was mostly dark blue and some other parts like his belt or the outline of his arms were a light gray.

His gloves were white and he had black boots on. He looked really intimidating, and he didn't look to happy either.

Peter looked at the man and he narrowed his eyes. "No" Peter said. The man kept kid same calm, but scary expression placed on his face. "Give me her" the man ordered again.

"Your Zeph, aren't you?" Peter asked, ignoring him. The man nodded slightly. "I am" he answered without bothering to keep his identity a secret.

"Now, do as you're told" the man said. Peter scowled at him as Brooke scooted closer to Peter in fear. She was so scared that she didn't even feel the cut on her face that she had gotten from debris of the explosion.

"I'm not giving her to you."

"Then I guess I'll just have to kill you."

Brooke's eyes widened and she looked up at Peter, her heart racing again. She was going to beg Peter to just give her to Zeph, but before she could Peter quickly pulled out his gun.

But so did Zeph. He was a lot quicker than Peter at pulling out his gun. Peter didn't seem to care, and both of them aimed their guns at each other.

But again, Zeph was a lot faster at pulling the trigger. Brooke's eyes widened and then she quickly pushed Peter to the side and she jumped to the other side before the bullet could hit any of them.

Zeph looked at Peter and began to walk towards him. Peter tried to stand up, but Zeph pushed him back down when he hit him in the face with his gun.

Peter groaned and he grabbed his nose that was now broken. Zeph kicked his gun away far and then he turned to look at Brooke and began to walk towards her.

Brooke panicky tried to drag herself back and she turned her head over her shoulder to find Sif and the Warriors Three - or two, trying to help Fandral up.

She then saw Sif spot her and Zeph and she began to run towards them. Brooke felt a bit more relieved because she knew that Sif was a very well trained warrior.

Probably better than the Warrior Three. Zeph looked up at Sif. She quickly pulled out her sword when she got only two feet away from Zeph, but Zeph somehow seemed to know her next move.

He quickly moved to the side and he grabbed Sif's sword by the handle and flipped Sif over his shoulder. Sif fell on her back and she arched her back slightly, refusing to let the pain show.

Brooke's eyes widened and she quickly began to scramble back, but Zeph began to walk towards her. He threw Sif's sword on the floor.

Brooke scrambled up on her feet, but as soon as she did, Zeph grabbed her by the throat and Brooke's eyes widened again. She grabbed Zeph by the arm as he squeezed her neck a little.

She looked into Zeph's eyes, and Zeph looked back into hers. When she looked into him, she noticed something odd.

His eyes weren't filled with hatred, but instead with a worried look. Zeph seemed to read her mind, because when she thought of that he quickly looked away from her gaze.

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