The Beginnings

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(2nd POV)

You are a reckless child who tends to misbehave at school and get C's in grades all the time. You play pranks on the teachers and your enemies. Like heck, you are a spitfire!

Right now, you got lots of homework as punishment for putting your teacher's underwear on the flagpole and putting a thumbtack on his chair. You can't stand that teacher because of his stupid rules.

You are now at your house. You live with your aunt and uncle since your parents died when you were little. They love you as if you are their own daughter. They can get strict but they are still family!

You couldn't tell your aunt and uncle what had happened so that you wouldn't get grounded. You were lucky that your teacher hasn't called them about this. You were now doing your homework while listening to some hip hop music with your headphones. The homework was getting harder for you and it was difficult for you to finish it. Luckily it's a Friday so you still have time to finish it but it was getting you stressed out. You needed to calm down so that you wouldn't get a panic attack.

You decided to take a walk outside. Your aunt and uncle didn't mind you walking as long as you get home by curfew. You were closing your eyes and relaxing as you continued listening to hip hop music. You took deep breaths and closed your eyes as you continue walking, relaxing from all that stress that was inside your body.

After about 5 minutes, you opened your eyes and oh dear Jesus, you had no idea where the heck are you at. You must have been focusing too much on relaxation that you completely lost your track on which way to go. You were now far away from your home and you began to panic and stress out more. This was not how you wanted this afternoon to be like..

You suddenly stopped panicking as you caught something around the corner of your eye. You turned around and saw a huge place. You were filled with awe and curiosity in your eyes that you thought 'Screw it, I'm checking this place out!'. You walked towards the huge place and you assumed it looked like some sort of factory. By the looks of it, it looks abandoned. You had a dream of exploring abandoned and haunted places, so you were ecstatic to see what kind of haunted stuff there is in this factory. Becoming confident already, you went in the factory.

When you went inside, it was like any abandoned place filled with dirty walls, dirty floors, dirty..everything! You found a green..what is that called? A green VHS tape? You picked it up and look at it. You were not a fan of old technology so you don't know how to work this VHS tape out. You saw a green VHS player thing that you assumed that you should put the tape in. You walked towards the player and put the tape in. It was actually easy to put it in! The TV went on suddenly, startling you. The TV shows a weird yellowish hand with a blueish grayish arm. The audio came in.

"Hi, my name is Leith Pierre and I'm the head of innovation here at the Playtime Co. Toy Factory. If you're seeing this, then you're trespassing. Yeah, we play this little tape on loop whenever we close the factory for the day. So trespasser, just to make you aware. While we pride ourselves primarily on our high quality toys and excellent childcare, we also pride ourselves on our security. For example, this facility is full of hidden motion triggers which, once set off, will set off the factory's emergency alarms and directly contact the authorities! And that's one of the more tame aspects of our security system. No spoilers..."

"So, you've got my warning. It's not too late to turn around. I just hope you're certain whatever you're doing is worth it."

You just kinda zoned out while listening to this tape. You didn't really listened to it but you thought this was about someone trespassing the factory. Well luckily, this factory is abandoned so there should be no hidden motion triggers, right? hope so..

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