the 5th date

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As I put on my favorite blue dress matching my baby blue eyes and blonde hair as I put on my high heels I feel gorgeous. Then I put my hair in a messing bun I heard boys like that because I'm going on my 5th date with Andy he's a really nice guy always treats me right. His dirty blonde hair and with his skin fade it makes my knees weak. I already have my makeup on slight eyelander mascara blush everything I'll need. Just then I heard my phone buzz. It reads form Andy be at rye in 10 minutes rye is a really fancy restaurant and I'm so excited the last four dates were at Denny's so I'm excited to have a taste of fanciness. I got a few ex-boyfriends before him but they were all really creepy he's the first guy that I met on tinder that actually seems nice. Plus we have really similar interests and the same taste of music he is just perfect. After what felt like only 1 or 2 minutes of fantasizing I heard another buzz are you coming? From Andy luckily I'm only 5 minutes away from rye so I wasn't too late. When I got there and he was sitting at a table and a suit and tie put my big smile on and waved " hey sorry I'm late" I say apologetically  " it's fine" he says with a smile I sit down at the table he asks "what do you want to eat?" I've never really been to a fancy restaurant the most fancy restaurant I have ever been in was Great Wolf lodges buffet. "Umm is there chicken?" I was obviously embarrassed " what kind?" His voice is just so deep "um" I must have been red in the face at this point as Andy says "do you just want me to order for you?" "Yes please" I thought everybody must have been looking at me. 'oh shit I forgot something in the car can you come with me to get it?" classical Andy always forgetting something "ya sure" I say happily actually never seen his car. As we walk out to his car he put his arm around my shoulder he opened the back door which I found out because he was driving how can you forget something in the back of the car in the middle of my thought I got shoved into the car is Andy got in the front seat and locked the doors. I thought I could just open the door because I was on the inside but no Andy put child locks on the door so I couldn't get out. As Andy crawls in the backseat he easily overpowers me he handcuffs my hands behind me to the little bars on the headrest and my legs were put into a spreader bar. There was no hope in anybody seeing me cuz his car windows were blacked out just then he shoved the ball gag in my mouth and tightened it behind my head it was very tight. Then he blindfolded me leaving me helpless I felt his hands slip under my dress as a little egg shaped with shoved into my pussy. As it started vibrating furiously my moans through the gag only made Andy more happy. So then he ripped off my dress leaving me nude in the back of his car all locked up hopeless and helpless.

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