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When my master came back "hey are you hungry?" He seemed happy maybe he won't even use me and maybe he'll let me free. "Yes master" "what do you want to eat?" "Um I don't know master you decided." "Well there's this really nice place that gives us are own room to eat in so why don't we head there." I stayed quiet "I'll take that as a yes. As he unlocks my cage he pulls me on my leash to the car puts me in the back seat and dives off. Just then he throws a bag of dog food in the back already opened. "We're not going to a restaurant so eat up we're going somewhere though" "but it's dog food" "ya and your my pet" I was hungry so eat as much as I could before I had to stop. It was disgusting we stopped at a sex shop but it was closed down. "Get the the suitcase I'll close it for you" my master said he seemed mad so I got in and he ripped it shut. I assumed we were walking in the sex shop once we were inside he explained that. "This place is my hide out I guess now if you thought you were the only pet I have you were wrong I can't keep them all at my house so they get dumped here I don't bother to feed them because a lot of people know about this place so they come and fill them up and sometimes if the sluts suck good enough then they get a bit of food. No your not going to stay here not at all I'm leaving you here for a day in a curtain room so you can have fun." He unlocked a door with a key and I say I room was very small 6 by 6 at most. But there were several holes in the walls he strapped a ring gag on me then throw me in the room I was confused until. About 20 minutes later I saw something sticking out of the hole but only so little I couldn't make it out. Once I went over I say it go away so I looked out the hole and saw nothing. Just then as I started to walk away a hand grabbed my neck "hey bitch we're do you think your going put your pussy against the hole." "I can't sir it's to high fine then I know what I'll do." As he walks away after 5 minutes my master opens the door drags me by my hair to a different room he shoves me in ties me so my wrist and ankles and tied together then rapped around my stomach then he takes the rope around my stomach and Tues it to a hook I see that my face is pressed up against a hole right were my mouth is. "There we go" he walks out and locks the door. What seems to be the same guy walks up and goes"look at you slut now you can't stop me from your pussy." As I feel a rock hard cock slowly be inserted in my pussy then faster and faster in and out my moans couldn't come out because of my ring gag."ooo slut I'm almost there" as he pulls out and sticks he's cock into my ass and let's put a bunch of cum as it starts dripping out of my ass he goes to my mouth and fucks it he's going deep after what feels like forever he pulls out he walks over to the side and I hear a girl go. "Please sir no please" and then a big slap I assume and then "swollow  slut or else I might just make it worse " I hear the man walk over to me again and say "well why not"  as he walks behind me again and starts fucking my pussy and then I feel a warm liquid as he takes a huge piss right in my pussy. As he lets out a moan "that felt nice" as I walks over to the front were my mouth is and he has a cup as he splashes it on my face it was all seamen now it's all over me I can tell it's going to me a long day.

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