𝐈𝐈𝐈| Secret's Out?

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Chapter 3| Secret's Out?

In our current times, to be a good person meant to be politically correct in all aspects of your life

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In our current times, to be a good person meant to be politically correct in all aspects of your life.

To morally align with ideals society deemed acceptable. To partake in activities that are considered "inclusive". To bring in the ones society has told you for generations, to shun away.

But what is inclusive about the way we embrace our differences, now days?

What is good about the way we diversify, if we
strategically use it as a vehicle to push our own hidden agendas?

I slam the heavy phone on its place holder, against the wooden wall, once again, frustrated at another stressful business call I had to deal with today.


I had just got off the line with one of the stockholder's of Marchetti Corporations, Leonardo Caruso. Also, known as the former right hand man of my father.

He had originally called to congratulate me on the success of our recent shareholders meeting I hosted in Sicily, Italy, where we had opened one of the biggest vineyards in the eastern hemisphere, for Marchetti Winery.

In this meeting, shareholders, such as Leonardo, were able to come together and recap annual analytical data, whilst reviewing the new variety of primary wines Marchetti Winery was preparing on launching for its upcoming season.

Leonardo, however, took it upon himself to sour the celebratory mood, when he chose to comment on my decision of adding two new woman to my head executives.

"Jasmine Pensri and Jacinta Fernández for Chief Agronomist and Head of Retail? Really, Adelio?" He had questioned me, sounding dumbfounded at the idea that I would consider either of the women for such roles.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Caruso, but why do you think it's your place to question me?" I had responded, completely annoyed by the hidden implication behind his curiosity.

Caruso was old fashioned, meaning he hated the idea of a women, in his world, holding more power than him, but at this point, my issue with Leonardo was bigger than that.

Since I have become President of Marchetti Corp, my authority has been questioned countless of times by people like him, especially, in my beginning years.

When I was first handed the role, I was graduating high school.

Precisely, eighteen at the time.

Many in the company found that problematic by itself. A young, inexperienced man, or "boy" they loved to call me, becoming second in command over a corporation full of dedicated members, who for some, had been working there for decades of their lives.

To say people were bitter was an understatement.

What they failed to realize, however, was as a "boy", for two years, I had already been actively running a different organization that was quiet bigger than they could possibly imagine, and even before that, my father had already been putting me to work on regulating special shipments and handling the bigger trading partners.

Sincerely, DevoraWhere stories live. Discover now