Chapter 2 - Befriending the Wave

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Gin's P.O.V

The next morning, I lept (or rather fell) out of my bed and threw myself into my computer chair. I was very confident and determined to win the gang's trust. It would be hard, but even if it took ten thousand years, I'd still do it! I turned my computer on and hurried my mouse as fast as I could to the 'Home' Folder. Nobody seemed to notice my entrance. That is, until Bobal yelled at me. He was watching TV and I interrupted him.


"Sorry, sorry!"

I clicked off the folder. Why did I think that was a good idea? Ah well. I picked up my phone and navigated to Bowaev's number, as I remembered Boder gave me his number last night. I clicked the 'call' button and waited.

Bowaev's P.O.V

I was sitting on my bed, very bored, when I got a phone call! I expected it to be Bofo wondering where I was, but I didn't recognise the number at all!

"Boder told me not to answer numbers you don't know, buuut..."

I picked up my phone and answered the call. Suddenly, my phone started glowing! I jumped out of my seat, accidentally throwing my phone onto the bed. It glowed for a while before a hologram looking thingie appeared with that Gin person's face on it!

"Strange, could've sworn I clicked 'call' not 'facetime' but ehh."

"Hey there!" I exclaimed happily, "Gin, right?"

"Oh? Yeah you can call me Gin." She replied, smiling.

"Nice to meetcha! I'm Bowaev! Sorry I didn't answer you when you were talking to us, I wanted to, but everyone seemed to hate you so I didn't say anything." I looked down.

"Can't blame them..." I heard Gin mutter. I looked back up, smiling brightly

"I don't hate you though! Boder said that he doesn't think you're here for a bad reason, and you seem nice! I just don't understand why the rest of the gang hate you..."

"Well-" Gin paused, "I wouldn't blame them after everything that happened."

"O-Oh right, that..."


"But you won't do anything like that right?" I asked. Gin shook her head

"I'd never!"

She seemed like she was going to say something else, but turned away. Did I make her upset?

"Let's change the subject." She stated, turning back to me, "Sooo...tell me Bowaev, what kind of game d'ya like to play?"

"Ooh! Ooh! I LOVE rhythm games! They're SUUUUPER fun! But I haven't been able to play any 'cause I can't find any games on your computer..."

"Well..." Gin started, "It's true I don't have any games on my computer, but there is a way you can still play games."


"Go to the TV in the living room."

The hologram thingie disappeared and switched to a facetime call. I ran out of my room and straight to the TV.

"Bowaev get out of the way of the damn TV!" Bobal yelled. I turned to my phone.

"What now?"

"You see that button there? The one shaped like a controller?" I turned to the TV and sure enough, there was a controller shaped button! I never noticed that, did Gin add it?

"Yeah, I see Gin."

"Click on it." Gin instructed.

I pressed the button. The show Bobal was watching disappeared and a menu popped up. The background of it was a bluish black with white lines chasing around it, making squares. On the actual menu, there was a search bar at the top and on the side, names on top of names. I turned around and the gang were all looking at the TV, shocked. I looked back at my phone and Gin just smiled.

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