An Unfinished Chapter 6 (And A Note)

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Hey everyone, Gin here. 

I really wish I didn't want to write this and I know I've probably let a few people down with this but here we are.

Trust is discontinued.

Yeah, big surprise (/sar). I'm sure a lot of you have noticed if you follow me on my other social medias, but the past few months since my 14th b-day, I've been drifting away from Bob Gang/Bob & Bosip and I've been focusing on Deltarune and more notably Pokémon. I've always been a huge PKM fan and if you're a LONG long viewer of my channel (or a close friend of mine) you'd probably know that. 

When I started my channel, I told myself I'd only make content on things that I like and not what got me views and I've stuck by that, even if I don't get the views I wish I had, I'm making things that I like and makes me happy. I mean, what would you prefer, I create half-assed BnB content that get about 200-300 views but the creator isn't enjoying working on them or content on things the creator likes that only get a handful of views but they turn out way better because the creator enjoys making it? I'd personally prefer the latter, but I don't know about you guys. GinHaku125 is where I can be myself, something I've always done online, and I want to keep it that way.

I might post more stories on here since I have a lot of short stories in my Google Docs but I'm scared of backlash since 1. they're Pokémon stories and 2. There's a lot of OC x character stories (not selfshipping, just OCs I made). If you don't follow me anywhere else, however, please please follow me on my other social medias. My Tumblr, Twitter, Reddit and of course Youtube are in my about section. I'm more active on Tumblr and Youtube but I do occasionally post on Reddit and Twitter. (well I'm not active that much rn because I'm on an electronic ban and the only reason I'm able to write this is because the Chromebooks at school don't ban YT or Wattpad for some strange reason.) I also have a Toyhouse I'm working on which will be released to the public when I'm finished, which may take a while, but stay tuned for it. Also, feel free to make your own endings to Trust and be sure to tag me in them. I may not be into BnB like I used to but I still enjoy any fanworks you guys make!

Anyway, I know I already posted this part in the A/N but I said I was going to delete the A/N when Chapter 6 was released so here's all I wrote on Trust Chapter 6.

The BnB/Bob Gang community has been amazing and made my 2022 way better. I met so many cool people and made so many fun memories and I wouldn't be here without you all. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Thank you for following me on this journey and I hope you all continue to wherever I take my social medias next.


Chapter 6

Gin's P.O.V

I woke up like usual and sat up. Another day. I didn't know why, but I felt extra grumpy today. Maybe it's because I've been trading sleep in exchange for spending time with the Bob Gang? Oh who am I kidding of course that's the reason. I sighed.

'Oh well.' I thought, 'Who do I have left?'

I pondered to myself. Boder...Bowaev...Bofo...Bosip...Bob..huh. I only have two left. Bobot and Bobal. Probably the hardest of the bunch to befriend. Bobot was pretty reserved and usually didn't talk to anyone (as far as I've seen anyway) and Bobal is well...Bobal. He's hot headed and he's the main reason the Gang doesn't trust me. I could easily skip out on Bobot and focus on Bobal, but part of me just couldn't.

After thinking for a moment, I decided to just check up on the Bob Gang before trying anything. I sleepily stumbled to my computer chair, turned on my computer and clicked on the Bob Gang folder and when I did, I was immediately awoken by yelling. I knew exactly who it was; Bob and Bobal. I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying, but they were obviously mad about something and I felt the need to step in.

"Hey hey hey!" I yelled, "What's going on here? Why are you two arguing?!"

Trust - A Bob Gang StoryWhere stories live. Discover now