Chapter 3 - "What is your goal Gin?"

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Gin's P.O.V

I woke up, expecting to be in my bed again, but realised I'd fallen asleep in my computer chair! I must've fallen asleep after that conversation with Boder! Well, I can't blame myself, Bowaev was dragging me around osu for, like, 5 hours! Well, that doesn't matter now, time to call Bofo! I turned my phone on and navigated to Bofo's number and hit 'call'. I waited for a while until someone finally picked up. I was on facetime again for some reason though. No idea why, could've sworn I clicked call...

"Hey Bofo! What's up?"

Bofo looked at his phone, "Ah! Gin was it?" He started, "It is a pleasure to meet you. I have heard great things about you from Boder and Bowaev."

"Guess news travels fast here, huh?" I muttered to myself. I looked at the place Bofo was. All I could see was this weird whitish place. I didn't recognise it at all.

"Yo Bofo...where are you right now? Is this your room?" Bofo shook his head.

"This is your computer! I realised the computer may have some things that need to be cleared up, so I decided to take the matter into my own hands, like usual."

"Ah, okay..." I replied, "Be careful!"

"I shall be fine Gin, there is no need to worry."

"If you say so..."

There was silence for a while until Bofo spoke up.

"What is your goal Gin?"

I looked up, surprised, "What?"

"What do you want to gain from this? From taking us from our creator and... 'taking care' of us? What is your goal?"

I looked at him, confused still. "I don't know what you mean Bofo. I'm not looking to gain anything except your trust and friendship."

"Then why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you take us from our creator then?"

I paused. Why did I take them? Well...

"I, like a lot of other people, loved your creator. He was the first proper person I viewed as an idol. I was so inspired by him and I wanted to be just like him. I also knew about you guys, 7 characters created by him that lived in his computer. I'd never heard anything like it! I was so invested, so interested, so in love with all of his videos, drawings, everything! Until...until..."

I took a deep breath.

"I, like everyone else, found out something about him I could never forget. I was devastated and tried to forget about him and move on but something clicked in my mind; you guys. I thought to myself 'If you guys were real, and you found out about what he did, then...' well I couldn't finish that thought. As soon as I thought about that, I tried all that I could to find you guys and, in my view, keep you safe."

"I...I see..." Bofo replied, taking everything in. "You wanted to keep us safe not from any real danger, but just from an ill natured person?"

"Yeah, it's true you weren't in real danger, but I didn't think you'd want to live with him after finding out what he did. I know I sure wouldn't."

"I have to agree with you there." Bofo replied. "I was extremely surprised when I found out about everything...I couldn't believe it...

"Yeah, but that's in the past now. I want you and the rest of the gang to forget about him, move on with your lives, and be happy! 'Cause if you hang onto it forever, you'd never be happy again, and I want the best for you guys!

Bofo nodded and I think he smiled a bit, "Yes, I understand now. I want to forget too. Thank you Gin." I laughed.

"Anytime dude! Uhh, anyway, I've gotta hang up now, phone's on low charge. See ya!"

"Goodbye Gin." Bofo replied and I hung up. I swung my chair over to my charger and put my phone on charge. Hm, might as well text Boder while I'm at it as well.

'Hey spider man! Just finished talking to Bofo, I think he trusts me, even if only a little bit, now! Gonna talk to Bosip tmr. Couldn't do it today bc phone almost died lol'

I smiled, getting out of my chair and lying onto my bed. Maybe this'll be easy after all! Bosip's smart, I'm sure he'll warm up to me soon! As with the other three; Bob, Bobal and Bobot...maybe they'll hear from the rest? I realised Bobal and Bobot might not be as trusting, but I'm still gonna try!

Time skip: Evening

Bofo's P.O.V

I walked back into the folder after a long day of maintenance on the new computer we lived in. Everyone turned to the door as I entered.

"Good evening everyone! I am back!"

Bowaev ran up to me, he seemed very happy I was back.

"Bofooo you're back! I'm so hungry!!" The youngen whined. I sighed.

"I shall make a start on dinner right away Bowaev."

I navigated myself to the kitchen and made a start on dinner for the Bob Gang. As I was doing so, Bobal came into the kitchen.

"Yo, Bofo?" He said, looking up at me

"Ah, yes Bobal?" I replied, turning.

"You good? How was maintenance?"

"Maintenance was alright thank you! This computer is very interesting, it's unlike our creator's. I believe it is a simple laptop, but no need to worry! This laptop can run very smoothly, and there are no viruses or malware on there! It seems like Gin keeps the laptop pristine for us, or maybe it is a new laptop..." I paused. "Ah! Speaking of Gin, I finally got the chance to talk to her! She is a very nice girl and she is not here for any-"

"You WHAT?!" Bobal yelled, smashing his fist onto the counter. The folder went silent and I felt everybody turn to us.

"I talked to Gin! Like I was saying she is a very nice-"

"NO! Don't believe her lies Bofo!" Bobal shouted. I saw anger in his small eyes, nothing out of the ordinary.

"Bobal, you need to calm down, she is not here to hurt us, I can assure you."

"No NO! She's just tricking you! Not just you, EVERYONE here! I can tell! There's no way she'd kidnap, let me repeat, KIDNAP us for any good reason! She's just like HIM!"

"We do not know that Bobal! Do not make accusations!" I sternly replied to his comment.

"Yeah, you have a point Bofo." Bosip spoke up, "We don't know she's a bad person. Maybe she heard about our creator and just took us from him for revenge?"

"Valid. It is something along those lines, Bosip."

"Huh, did she tell you?"

"Yes, actually. Well, she stated it was to keep us safe, not revenge. She also stated she wants the best for us."

When I said that, the Bob Gang began murmuring to each other. I turned back to Bobal who seemed more shocked than angry at that moment.

"Maybe Gin isn't as bad as we thought she was?" I overheard Bosip mutter.

"I dunno dude..." Bob replied.

"NO! NO! ARRGH!" Bobal slammed his fist on the counter again and stormed to his bedroom. The Bob Gang just stared.

"What's up with him?" Bob murmured.

"I do not know. I just hope he is okay."

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