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"TAYLOR GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW" I hear my mother yell from downstairs.
I sigh and trudged down the stairs.
"Yes?" i question.
I didn't respond. I stood there as stiff as a brick, not knowing what to say.
Next thing I know I feel a sting on my cheek.
My mouth widens as I step a few steps back away from her. I briskly ran up the stairs. as I get to my room I slam my door and go to my closest to get my suitcase.

I'm sick and tired of being treated like this.
My mom has treated me like this ever since my dad passed away from a car crash when I was 13.
I grab all of the very little clothes I even have and quickly shove them into the grimy suitcase that I've had for as long as I can remember. I
I grab a grungy backpack from under my bed and stuff my charger and my journal inside it.
I make shure I have everything I would ever need because I probably won't ever be coming back to this house.
I firmly hear my mothers bedroom door shut.
I took that as a sign that I should probably hurry and run out before she catches me.
I check my phone and see that it's 1:27 am.
I slowly open my door as I hear it creak, hoping that it doesn't make my mother come out of her room.
I swiftly run down the stairs hoping to get out as soon as possible.
Once I make it to my front door I feel a hand on my shoulder.
I take a big gulp as I turn around.
I see my mother with a absurbed look plastered across her face. "Where do you think your going" her stern voice asks.
A wave of confidence ran through my body as I screamed in her face as she had for the past four years.
"IM FUCKING LEAVING. I CANT DO THIS BULLSHIT ANYMORE IM SICK AND TIRED OF BEING TREATED LIKE THIS." I shoved her out of my way as I grabbed my suitcase off of the ground and ran out the door.
I run. I don't know where I run to but I just run as fast as I can for as long as I can.
I abruptly stop as my breathing becomes hitched. I've been running for 15 mins and I'm already tired.
I look around my surroundings ,All I see is a long, windy dirt road and trees surrounding it.
I began to get scared, I've never seen this place before.
I look back and see headlights.  As the car gets closer I began to panic. The car pulls up next to me as I feel a tear stain my cheek. I didn't know what do do but to stand there.
The figure in the car rolls the window down slowly. It's a boy. That's all I can see, it's so dark I can't make out his figure or see what he looks like.
"M'am need a lift?"

"I'm 17 no need to call me m'am"

"Well, do you need a lift girl"
(That sass tho)

"Yes please"

"So What are you doing alone on a deserted road?"

"Running away".

"Well are you going to get in" the boy asks.
I hesitated before I got in. I'm risking my life right now, getting in this mans car, what else is there to do though.

I got in the car slowly and unsure as to why this boy was picking up a girl of the side of a road at 1 in the morning.
As I shut the door he speaks again.
"Aren't you cold." His rough voice questions me.
I soon realize that I am cold. I hadn't realized I was because that was the last thing on my mind.
He reaches to his back seat and grabs a blanket and lays it softly over me.
As he starts the car back up the radio turns on and relaxes me.
I have no idea what I'm getting myself into bunt it's worth the risk.
My eves soon feel heavy considering I've gotten no sleep the past week.
I soon feel the darkness take over my body.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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