Introducing Veronica

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    I am the girl at school that no one really likes but everyone respects. Although I don't want to admit under all the cruel things I say or do I have a soft side and this is my story about how over a school year my life change dramatically.
  My name is Vee, my real name is Veronica and I'm 17 years old. I was born in Florida and I moved to California last year. I struggle with a horrible past of Florida and memories that haunt me. Due to my past I live with only one parent, my mom. I am the only child. Me and my mom live in a townhouse in downtown Beverly Hills. My mom was a traveling doctor that all change one day when she met Kevin. She used to be strict and hard on discipline but last year changed us both.
   My love life is non-existing because I am afraid to let people in due the my inability to trust or to open up, but there is a possibility that I will open up to a relationship this year because I want someone I can bond and share laughs with and forget what life is like or was like last year I need someone who can see that I'm hurt not broken so they don't try and "fix" me. Although my love life doesn't exist, I have two close friends Sarah and Sebastian they are twins. Sarah is this brown mocha color and is 5foot 11 inches of beauty she has long curly hair and no she is not mixed everyone thinks but black people can have nice hair too she's tall with beautiful skin and hair and guys love her and I support it because she's gorgeous. Sebastian is 6foot 2inches same color as his sister with a beard & mustache that ladies would love to sit on but he's gay and would never even kiss a female i know for a fact because I have tried he is so fine. His hair is also curly and jet black which enhances their curl patterns. Their parents are old and retired and have money like investments out of this world. So they are well groomed and taking care of until the day of their deaths. But I've known them since I moved here last year and we quickly bonded like we've known each other for years, I love them both dearly but i could never express anything to them because I do not believe they would understand me and maybe even look at in a different way. So as a way to cope I push people out of my life and I am seen as rude or mean because my own life is in so much turmoil. A cliche way of saying it hurt people, hurt people that's how pain patterns get passed on. Today I woke up earlier than usual because I had a horrible dream about my father. So I got up and went to use the bathroom and my mom wakes up due to the noise I'm making and ask do I want breakfast or anything I tell her "I'm okay" and she notices my uneasy facial expression and say "you can't hide your feeling from your mom don't lie to me just say you don't wanna talk" she said look in my eyes. I nodded then I continued to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. After that I got everything I needed to take a shower and I showered. It's a Saturday the weekend before school starts and I'm not excited.
  Sarah and Sebastian are suppose to be coming over today for shopping but I'm not interested, maybe due to the dream. I need someone to talk to but I honestly can not talk Sebi and Sarah because I feel like they won't understand me and I don't want to be seen as weak to them because I want respect and showing any signs of weakness won't get you respect ever ! I wish I had someone to love me and make me feel good inside and outside because not to be conceited but I know I'm beautiful but I want to be happy too not just a pretty face. I am not excited for this school year but I am excited to open a new chapter with someone special and I hope this year brings him. I get a text from the group chat with sebi & Sarah and they say they're on the way so I rush and throw on NIKE sweats and a matching hoodie. I go down stairs and grab something to eat and take my antidepressants before I head out the door. I get in the car and I greet the twins "hey" Sebastian notices that something is wrong and asks "what's the matter with you Vee"
"I just i had a nightmare and I don't wanna talk about it so don't ask" I tell him
"Okay geesh i was just making sure you were okay you don't have to shut me down like that the hell" he says rolling his eyes
"You guys fight more like siblings then bestfriends calm down" Sarah says laughing
"I'm really not in the mood I could've driven alone and went to the mall by myself" I said making it known I didn't want to be bothered with Sebastian's nonsense today.
"Vee, listen I didn't say anything wrong to you I was making sure you are okay stop your fucking whining it's unnecessary you're 17 not 2. You had a damn nightmare stop acting like pissed in your grits" Sebastian says while driving and not even making eye contact.
"Sebastian i will slap the shit out of you. Leave me alone !" I snapped right back at him.
"You both can shut up honestly it was never as serious as you guys are making it" Sarah said.
So the rest of the car ride was silenced from talking but the radio was on.
30 mins later.
We decided to go to the outlet mall which was 30 mins away from where we live. This outlet mall has everything a Gucci store, Louis V, McM, etc. And for my last year it's a must that I dressed to impressed as per usual. I love being the best looking and the best dressed it's kind of a coping skill Bc if I look nice I don't have to focus on my actually emotions. We arrived there and most of all of the parking spaces were taken we had to park pretty far from the entrance we just so happened to park right next to this fine guy and his friends. I stepped out the car.
I thought to myself "great we would see some fine ass guys while I'm in a sweat suit".
Sebastian nudged my arm I'm assuming I said that out loud. Sarah started laughing and rambling about something but I couldn't focus Bc this guy was so freaking cute. I wanted him. But I got ahold of myself and just as I do
he speaks to me "oh you like what you see huh?"
I smiled and said "yes I like your car"
he rolled his eyes and took my phone out my hand and said
"here go my number so we can talk about my car some more" I laughed.
Sarah said "bitch ask for his friend names and numbers"
"no girl stop being pussy and just ask" I said moving my arm from her grip.
Eventually one of the guys and her chopped it up and he gets her number and they walk away from us. I think she came back and said his name is Anthony or something. The cute guy says to use his number before the day is over with.
We finally make our way to the entrance and the first store we go to is NIKE Bc I wanted some more Nike leggings for gym and days like this when I'm rushing. I mean you can't go wrong with leggings. I get 3 pair for a total of 60. A navy blue pair, lime green, and gray pair. Next we go to Sarah's store of choice. Of course she chooses a high end store as first choice which is Gucci. She wanted this new hand bag for school that we all literally fell in love with. This is why her and her brother are my best friends. We all have the same taste and they know how to deal with my attitude. Sometimes I wish I didn't have attitudes with them because I usually end up feeling bad at the fact that I yelled or cursed at them. But other times I feel like they should know that I'm rude and just let me be. But as we walk in we get stares from the employees as if we were going to steal. One of the employees who had blond hair and fair skin with freckles and was about my height ask if we needed help with anything but with a slight attitude in her tone. "If we needed help we would ask for it love" Sebastian said addressing the woman with the same tone as hers. The lady walked away. Me and Sarah both laughed at him. We all picked out something cute I got the white leather Gucci belt and I forgot what the twins got but we got the hell out of there because the blonde lady was still staring and whispering to her coworkers and I was so close to acting out of my character. Next was Sebastian choice of store we went to finish line because he is a sneaker addict. He grabbed some yellow nike pros, gray yeezy boost 350 V2's, and some black and white vans. I stopped him after 3 pair because he told Sarah and I not to allow him to over spend because he will go all day long if we allowed him to. So after our first three stops we went to the food court to get something to eat and rest before we tackled the reminder of the mall. As we walking to the food area we seen the fine ass guy and his friends and they come to where we are about to sit and sit down so we are all at one big table. The fine guy who gave me his number finally formally introduced himself to me "hi, good to see you twice in one day by the way my name is Jay"
I said "i know I seen you put your number in my phone remember?"
"You're so feisty, why you so mad for baby" he says playfully mocking me
"Oh so I'm baby already? Typical fuck boy" I said rolling my eyes and getting on instagram
He grabs my phone out my hand forcing me to look in his eyes and I melted like I was in the palm of his hands, I almost forgot where me and him were. We was staring into into eye for a good 10 seconds before Sarah and his friend, who was interested in her interrupted us by laughing at how we were looking at each other. Sebastian asked if we was going to get the food. So everyone got up except Jay and I. He started touching my hand asking if he could just buy me lunch and consider this a first date
I replied "you can consider this what you want but I can pay for my own food though thank you love".
"You hard to get and mean I see" he smile and licked his lips at me.
   In my head I'm melting into the palm of his hands but I can't let him know that. He's just so fine. He's got this perfectly tanned skin like almost like an almond milk color with perfect lips that makes me just want to sit on his face with just one look. He has perfect skin like he does face masks every night before bed. The way his waves are spinning in his hair is making me sea sick. His eyes are dark coffee bean brown but he made brown eyes better because they were perfectly shape. He was tall around 6'3 and built like he goes to the gym for hours at a time. I just know god took his time with him.
   But eventually we got up and went to subway and ordered what we want sat down and ate. I payed for mine and he payed for hid. He was all having side conversations but Sebastian was just in his phone and not being social at all I know it must suck being a gay guy and not knowing if someone else is gay without asking and insulting them. But Sebastian has had some flings in the last year that I've know some ended terrible for him the though. After we were done at the table the guys took Sarah and my tray to the trash and walked us out "I hope you use my number" Jay say hugging me and Sebastian says as the boys walk the other direction "I wonder if any of them is gay"
me and Sarah look at each other and laugh
"my gaydar is completely off so don't ask me" Sarah says
"Remember I dated a down low guy and I never suspect he was gay even during sex" Sarah continues.
"Ew , how did you not know" I say surprised
Then I look at my phone wondering when's the right time to text Jay. I want to do it now but I wanna also make him desperate. I really think this boy is so freaking.
39 mins later.
We get to my house we took longer because we had to stop for gas. When we go to my house I realized I left my keys home and I had to call my mom to come home and open the door it was fine because her job was right up the street and I wasn't alone waiting Bc the twins was staying over. My mom gets home to open the door and says she's going out tonight so the house is ours ! A few minutes later Sebastian, Sarah , and I were upstairs in my room and I was thinking if I should text Jay or not then finally I grew some balls and texted him
*text conversation* (Between Veronica & Jay)
Me: Hey, this is Vee from the mall.
Jay: I figured, Is this about the car?
Me: haha, very funny. 🤣
Jay: na im kidding, how you doing beautiful? You missing me yet?❤️
Me: I'm good always , hby? & I might 🤪
Jay: YOU MIGHT ? & baby we can't ALWAYS be good but I'm great rn Bc I'm texting my lil baby🥺
Me: yea I might🙃
Jay: what's the proper spelling of your name beside b-a-b-y🥴
Me: it's Vee
Jay: can I get your REAL name ?
Me: why you the feds ? 🤨
Jay: Na baby how imma get to know you w out even knowing your first name. 🤔
Then our texting was interrupted by Sarah throwing a pillow at me and Sebastian and her mocking and laughing at me for smiling at my phone.
"Both of you guys can suck my dick" I said playfully rolling my eyes
"That's my fucking specialty baby" Sebastian say while making a motion of sucking dick
"Ewwww you nasty bitchhhh" Sarah laughs
"Are y'all hungry ? Because I am starving" I said while looking on grubhub for something
"Yes bitch you know we are" Sebastian says coming over to look at the options
"Bitch let's get Burger King" Sarah says
"Sarah you're gross, I'm not ordering no fucking Burger King. Any edible suggestions?"
"Just order Taco Bell" Sebastian says
"No thank you I want Applebee's you guys order what you want" I say passing my phone to Sebastian
Moral of the story we all got something different and then it all came to 60 plus because each order was 20 plus if you know grub-hub then you know. The food got there and we dogged it and then we decided to watch catfish on Hulu. Then my phone went off it was Jay. I smiled so hard it hurt.
*text conversation* (Vee and Jay)
Jay: why you left me on read ?🙄
Vee: sorry I got side tracked.
Jay: mhm sure. What school are you going to ?
Vee: San Marino High School , you ?
Jay: worddddd ? I am going there too.
Vee: duhh why I gotta lie sweetie? Where you from I never seen you there.
Jay: I just moved here from Georgia.
Vee: ohhhh okay well I'll see you at school hopefully 🥴
Jay: okay baby.
I read his text and put my phone down and continue watching, I look over at Sarah and Sebastian and their asses was sleeping. Ugh I'm always the last one up. So I decided to text Jay again
*text conversation* (Vee & Jay)
Vee: wyd tonight ?
Jay: nothing you trying to see me ? 🤨❤️
Vee: that's exactly what I'm trying to do☺️
Jay: okay I'm On my way! Send your address.
Vee: no I have my own car I'll come to you my friends over here sleeping.
Jay: you're so straight forward and demanding I like that but it's 2109 Alsace Ave
Vee: I'm On my way! 🤪
I put my phone down I get in the shower and get ready to go to Jay's place. I put on my grey Nike leggings then a black hoodie and my grey Nike pros. I get my key and head out the door. I get in my car and connect my phone and blast music and turn on the gps it's 11 minutes away from my house.
11 mins later
I got to his house and texted him that I'm outside. He tells me to come in and that the door is open. So I walked to the front and I walked in and geesh this house is huge and nice it was so nice I was scared I was gonna break something if I was to touch anything in here. He met me at the the door with a hug and he smelt so nice and his touch was so warm and welcoming. He didn't have on a shirt which made it worst I was melting. He was like "you like what'd you see ma ?" I felt like I was drooling but I rolled my eyes at him because I can't let him know how he got me already. I follow him to his room. So we walk up the stairs and get to his room and I sit in the edge of his bed.
"Why you so far away" he said licking his lips
"I don't know this isn't my place , you have it so fancy I don't wanna break anything I can't pay for" I said smiling and looking away.
He tells me to come to the top of the bed with him and so I take off my shoes and crawl to the top of the bed.
"You hungry" he says
"I mean I can eat" I say shyly
"I can toooo" he says looking at my vagina
He orders some pizza and hot wings and while we wait for them to come, we watch stranger things on Netflix. Then finally the door bell rings and he goes down to pay for the food and he comes back with a two liter of Hawaiian Punch and paper plates for our food while we eat he start looking at me.
"I never met someone as confident yet humble and unique as you Vee" he say while biting into his pizza
"You're so sweet" I said smiling at him
"So when you gonna tell me your name" Jay said
"Veronica damn" I said with a slight cute attitude
"Are you mixed?" He asks
"No, I'm just Dominican" I said
"Ohhh you're foreign" he said licking his lips this is like the hundredth time this boy licking his lips at me I sure he wants to fuck and shot they way he look I might forget I met him just today and ride his face. I snapped back to reality and answer his question
"I mean yes I guess you can call it that"
He continues to ask me questions but I couldn't focus because I was mesmerized by his lips and the sound of his sleepy voice I am is so much like with this boy and we met today. I love a fine guy who is interested in me and what I have to say it's so sexy. He's doing everything right, right and I'm loving it.
A few minutes later
"Can you spend the night with me don't let me be lonely" he asks.
"Yes i will. But we're not fucking"
"We don't have too. Plus we just met baby I'm pretty sure you ain't even with all that" he says smiling at me
"I just wanna lay in bed with you and cuddle and if you need something to change into you can wear one of my shirts in my top drawer"
He don't know how horny he makes me just with his presence and I will never let him know until he's my man because he is so fine to think I'm easy. But shit girls need love too like summer walker said.
"I'm trusting you, you better not but a serial killer because we just met and we already having sleep overs but I trust you because for some reason you make me feel safe I like the feeling when I'm around you and texting and talking to you feels nice and I hope you don't try to kill me to I will wake up and fight your ass back" I said smiling then laughing at my last comment
" mannnn ain't no one trying to kill you. I just wanna kill that down there" he say with his eyes pointing at my pussy
"Just know when we be official you gonna want your pussy killed by me everyday so expect sneaky quickies during scoop this year we gonna spice this senior year up" he says with a sexy ass look on his face. I cannot express enough how fine this boy is. But finally I get up and take off my leggings and hoodie that I wore over here and I went to his drawer where he said he had a big shirt for me to change into I notice his eyes are following my every move and I ask him "Oh, so now do you like what you see?" He looks up shocked and pretends to be looking at the tv. And so I get in the bed with just my underwear and bra on and get in his face and ask again if he likes what he sees and he puts his hands on my hip and pull me close to him and whisper "yes I do I was wondering if I can have it" he says softly making me melts I got chills down my spine. I roll my eyes playfully and got up from him & went to his drawer and pulled out a long ass shirt I threw it over my head and got into bed with him.
He looks at me says "you not gonna turn off the light"
"No I'm not because I was just up, so you do it" I say with an attitude because I'm lazy
So he gets up with his dick bulging out of them sweats I swear he's tempting me to ride him into the sunset tonight but he went to turn off the lights and he asked me if it was okay if he just slept in his underwear and I said yes. So he took off his sweats and I almost had an heart attack his dick was so visible and it looked the perfect to destroy my insides. So he gets he bed with me and spoons me and I can feel his print against my ass and I almost turned around and just suck him up but I didn't because I'm being classy so he eventually falls asleep spooning and I'm just up watching stranger things alone great he's the third person to fall asleep on me. I close my eyes and fall asleep. I had a vivid dream about fucking Jay I remember every detail and even each position. His sex appeal is just crazy. I want him badly like inside me and I know guys think girls don't think about sex but we do and when guy has your sexual attention he has it firmly!
10 am the Sunday before school starts
"Wakeeeeee upppp" I'm hearing for the hundredth time but I'm just now realizing it's not a dream
"Mhmmm" I say annoyed as fuck
"Wake up baby I'm bored and I made you breakfast" Jay say smiling at me
"So you cook, you're sweet and you don't want sex on the first night what's the catch?"
"There's no catch I wanna be your man already and I met you yesterday but you already got me preparing meals for you"
"Well thank you" I say as I take the plate of food out his hand and pointing for him to put the glass of juice on the floor
I look at the plate and everything looks edible. He made me eggs, bacon, toast and hash browns and added ketchup. And he had his own plate with the same thing just larger portions. He breaks the silence by saying
"Why were you moaning in your sleep last night good dream huh"
"Oh my god what? I was really"
"Yes you did and for some reason you was moaning my name" he said laughing and smiling and me while biting into a piece of bacon.
"Omg this is so embarrassing"
"It's okay, chill we both grown shit if I was you and I looked this good I would moan my name too"
"Boy you ain't even all that kiss my ass"
"Oh I'm enough to have you moaning in your sleep"
"Oomg shuutttt uppppp, I was tripping it was probably about another Jay"
"Yea ightttt".
We finish our breakfast and then I ask him if he has an extra toothbrush and he says yes and brings me one out of the closet in the hall way along with a wash cloth and towel and I have extra underwear and bra in my purse because a lady is always prepared for what ever. So I hop in the shower and put back on my sweats and hoodie but fresh under wear and bra. He hops in the shower while I wait for him to get how I scroll on my phone and I have so many texts from Sebastian and Sarah asking where I went and if I've been kidnapped
Text conversation in the group-chat (Vee, Sebi, and Sarah)
Sebastian: vee where the hell are you bitch !!!!
Sarah: yea what he said your mom left and said she's going to Guatemala for a month to teach a doctoring program (i roll my eyes knowing that she's just going to see kevin) she told us to tell you !
Vee: I'm at jays house y'all chilllllllk
Suddenly he walks in and start looking at me and ask me why I'm smiling at my phone and I tell him because my friends think we fucked and they are concerned about how I just up a left. He laughed and ask if I wanted him to take me home and get clothes so we can spend the day together I said yes of course and gladly Sebastian and Sarah will be gone when I get there so I won't get asked a million questions. So we headed down the stairs and go to his car even tho I brought mine I put my address in his phone for the gps and he starts the car and we take off to my house.
He's breaks the silence by saying "so what's your story, lemme know you"
"I was born August 23rd I'm a Virgo and-"
"Nooo you're actual story where you come from where's your parents what's your back story I want to know you like I know the back of my hand so I can show you the same."
"Well I'm from Florida. But my parents are immigrants from Dominican Republic. I've been living here since last year it was it's different it was a bit of a drastic change. My mom moved us in a hurry. My mom was a travel doctor she goes to foreign countries to help them develop better medicines to treat their patients but she stopped & I'm the only child. I am not a friendly person at all I hate people especially females because they're messy and you begin to see my unfriendly side tomorrow in school because I don't take bullshit from anyone"
"No dad ?" He says
"Not something I want to talk about" I say dismissing it.
"Now your turn" I said
"Oh look we're here looks like my turn will have to wait" he says smirking at me
Sebastian's car in still here so I'm guessing they are still here and they're going to want to stay and talk about what me and Jay have going on. I went to the door and i opened and they are cooking breakfast as I walk in and tell greet me with smiles and loud talking at the same time questioning me and I stop them and tell them that I'm going to invite jay over and that no we didn't have sex sadly. So I go back outside and signal for jay to come in and when he gets to the door I ask him does he just want to chill here for the day because I don't want to make them go home. So he comes in and says hi to them and ask me can he invite his boys form the mall over and I say "yes, of course" he ask if we smoke and I tell him yes we all do he said okay.
About 30 mins later
There was a knock at the door. I go to open it and it's the two other guys from the mall and they have two other boys too and another girl. So we all say our hi's and introducing everyone and shit. The guys who gave Sarah his number was named Anthony. The other one from the mall was Antonio they are twins but fraternal. The two new guys were Johnathan and Devin. The girls name was Jaide. Anthony is tall and light with waves but he had on a blue Durag today. His twin who was Antonio who is also tall but a little shorter and was darker with curly hair. They look nothing alike. I don't know they was twins until today. Johnathan is this dark like chocolate guy who was also tall like taller than Sebastian which was rare since he's 6'2 but he was tall and chocolate with waves and bright teeth like pearly whites. Devin is a little short and he looks like he is like mixed with like white and black I know he have bitches all over him and freckles. I think him and Jaide are a thing because they dip into a corner every 5 seconds and they are all on each other but I don't care I got who I'm looking for which was Jay. Jaide is dark skin and she has in black with blonde highlighted lace front which compliments her beautiful ass skin tone. So the weed man shows up and Jay gets about 14 grams and he has to the store to to get wraps so I volunteer to go with him we get in the car and head there and I'm on Snapchat taking picture if myself and he says to get him in it I tell him no and continue, he gets in it anyway and I delete and he asks me if one of my boyfriends gonna get it, I tell him to shut up and that he's the closest thing I've have to a boyfriend since I moved out here. He smiles and says good. We get to the store he goes and I get what we need and he head back. We walk in my house and everyone just chilling in their own space and I guess either Sebastian or Sarah put on some music. It's around 8 now and Jay and Anthony starts rolling and I asked if anyone drinks Nd everyone says yes so I went to the liquor cabinet in my kitchen and I got out some Hennessy what I nice way to start the last day of our summer. Jaide and Devin was on the small couch smiling and laughing they're so cute I wonder if they're actually a couple. I was sitting next to jay starting to basically drool over his fine ass I wanna fuck him tonight but I going to hold out until we make it official but he making it hard with all this lip biting and looking me up and down shit it makes me wanna year my panties off right there. I stopped day dreaming about sexy and so I realized Jay and Jonathan finished rolling and sparked it up and was now passing it to me. I feel dumb because this is the hundredth time they have caught me day dreaming and all of the times was me thinking about sex with Jay. After o hit the blunt I got up and I poured drinks for everyone and it was amazing a cool little get together everyone was talking and getting along and I felt great I almost forgot about my past... Me and my mom are finally happy here although she's barely here but I'm happy. I'm hoping we don't have to move again.

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