Chapter 6|Phonetastrophy

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"He's alive but..."

The rest of what he said didn't register in my head as I dropped down on the floor in relief.    
         He's alive!. 
He's alive!. Alhamdulillah, he's alive. Alameen is not going to die!. I wanted to shout and thank God more, I wanted to shout for Joy, but only hot tears of relief could stream down my face.

When Alameen's mom came back she was still weeping as she helped me back to my seat. Her light face, total opposite to Alameens' was completely bright red.

She sat down heavily beside me and buried her face in an handkerchief. When she finally looked up again, she said €He's alive... but they don't know if...if..he's make it. They don't know...if...if my boy...will live" she was choking with tears, her breathing was very heavy and forced.

I still couldn't bring myself to talk. I just wanted to pray. I wanted to pray with all my heart and beg Allah to keep Alameen safe and alive. Maybe the first heartfelt prayer I'm going to make in my life.

I steadied back and cried loudly again. My vision had became blurry and my eyes felt very painful.

"Akorede" her teary voice called with a sniff, "You should go home, it's getting late. I shouldn't keep you here. It's late. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have bothered you. Thank you for coming. Thank you much" she sneezed and sobbed between her speech, "You have school tomorrow."

I'm not going to school if Alameen won't be there. Never!. Who even cares about school right now!. But I do have to go home, my phone wasn't with me to check what time it was. I couldn't speak to ask what time it was from someone else.

"...I should take you home."

I shook my head, "Cab is waiting outside" I lied in a whisper barely even hearing myself, I shouldn't bother her, not right now. She seemed too tired.

Mustering all the strength I could, I stood up with my blurry sight and unsteady feet, "I' back... tomorrow."

"Thank you" she whispered, I think I heard, "Call me when you get home" but I wasn't listening anymore.

The brightness outside was clearly artificial, the sky was thoroughly dark as I left the hospital's surroundings. With shaky steps Ieft Desola memorial hospital and stopped at the side of the road.

He is alive!. I just stood still by the road illuminated by the crescent moon catching my breath. I'll see him again! He's alive.

Then something occured to me. I don't have any money with me, I just paid the taxi driver and got out without collecting my change! Gosh I'm an idiot. What the heck am I going to do with myself now?, Start walking?.

"Oh God!" I dropped down on my knee helplessly. I just sat there, catching my breath, settling my senses. Just grateful he's alive.

A horn blasted right through my ear almost startling the life out of me. I glanced up disoriented for a while unable to see clearly.

Levi!. Levi?. Wait what Levi?. Levi! Levi driving a car?. And how'd he get here?.

"Well this isn't the party I was expecting!."


He door opened, "Get in."

"I...I..." Words failed me. I pulled myself off the ground and got in beside him. Grateful to have a saving grace and to be out of the cold.

The warm was a good welcome to my aching soul.

"You good?."

I'm perfect!. I am great!. I'm wonderful!. Sniff!. Where do I start from?.

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