Chapter 7|| We cannot be friends

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When I reached home I felt lighter and better. But also very weak and thoroughly famished. I haven't tasted anything the entire day, my stomach was clenched together. I went through the big blue gate and through the front door.

Omar got up from the couch in the sitting room when he saw me.

"Did you go to see Imade?. Uhm sorry I meant senior Alameen. Is he okay?."

"Well he's not completely fine but he will be. In Sha Allah."

"Everyone was asking about you at school. I didn't know what to say. The principal called a special assembly and we all prayed for him. He'll be okay. Don't worry."


"Your dad has traveled since yesterday but Lila and Levi are still here. Iya Iyabo and Iyabo have also gone home, but I didn't eat what she cooked. I couldn't eat without you."

I nodded, "I need to eat" I turned away from him and headed towards the kitchen, he came after me in a hurry.

"I'll make something for you. Do you want noodles?. Or bread and tea?. Or cornflakes. Or cereal. Or should I quickly make rice for you?."

"Noodles" I muttered.

He rushed pass me and into the kitchen, I followed and sat on a brown stool placing my head on the kitchen island.

Omar was at the stove, he held a frying pan in his hand and placed three large indomitable noodles on the table. Then he looked around the stove not knowing what next to do. I smiled to myself, he doesn't know how to work it yet he wanted to cook for me.

"Turn on the gas cylinder first" i explained.

"Oh. Okay. Where?. I mean how?" He stuttered.

I got up from the stool, I took the frying pan from him and changed it to a pot, filled it with a little water, then showed him how to turn the gas on and the stove too. I dropped two eggs into the water for us, I knew he definitely had to eat out of it, especially because he knew I could finish all that noodles.

"Okay, I can take it from here" he said.

"Wait till the water is boiling before you put in the noodles, then after a while put the seasoning then close it again, remove the eggs before putting in the seasoning. Please sprinkle pepper over it when it's almost done."

"Got it. Here drink water before it's done" he fetched me a bottled water from the fridge.


I watched him carefully drop the noodles into the water. He stirred and close the pot again.

"I think you should put it now."

"Right" he took off the lid from the pot again, took time trying to take out the eggs but he eventually did. He did everything I explained to him earlier, perfectly than I expected. I'm proud of him but I'm proud of myself for being a good cook instructor.

I brought out two plain white bowls and forks for us. I peeled the eggs and dropped them in each.

"That's enough for me" I told him as he served the noodles.


Food!. After more than 24 hours. Bismillah!. I like my noodles very hot. I look a deep breath and rolled up my fork with noodles. Omar began to eat too.

"Hey guys."

Without glancing up I knew who it was, I knew who sounded like that. Levi.

"Hey man. Want some food?."

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