Mighty Angelina and Cinderello

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Angelina and Tanjiro both ran up the steps of the old theater. They couldn't wait for Madame Mitsuri's ballet class to begin.

Angelina and Tanjiro quickly got ready for the lesson, but when Tanjiro looked in his bag, He could only find one ballet shoe...

"Don't worry, Tanjiro," said . "I have lots of spares."

She opened up a trunk filled with beautiful shoes and found a pair for Tanjiro.

"You remind me of Cinderello," said Madame Mitsuri. "He also lost a shoe! Let us dance to the Cinderello ballet music."

Madame Mitsuri opened the special musical boy—a beautiful tune began to play and the little ballerina inside spun around. All members began to dance as well.

"Wow! This is the best beautiful ballet music I ever heard." wondered Angelina.

"Can you tell us about Cinderello?" asked Tanjiro.

"Well, he dreamed of going to the Royal Ball at the palace, but his wicked stepbrothers made him stay behind to do all the housework!"

"Poor Cinderello!" sighed the class.

All members danced and danced until all too soon the music stopped and the lesson was over.

"Time to get changed, everyone," said Madame Mitsuri. "Come along, Tanjiro and you too, Angelina."

But Angelina and Tanjiro weren't really listening. They were thinking about Cinderello...

Alone on the stage, Angelina and Tanjiro opened the lid of Madame Mitsuri's box.

The Cinderello music played, and as Angelina and Tanjiro began to dance it grew louder and louder...

Suddenly, dancing fairies in different colors surrounded Angelina and Tanjiro!

The most handsome of them bowed down.

"I am Cinderello's fairy godfather," he said. "And these are the Fairies of the Four Seasons."

"Poor Cinderello!" said Spring.

"Everyone has gone to the Royal Ball, except him!" said Summer.

"He has no carriage or torero suit..." said Autumn.

"...and no shoes," sighed Winter.

Angelina opened the trunk and Tanjiro took out a pair of silver shoes. "Will these do for Cinderello?" Tanjiro asked.

"I think it will do for him," added Angelina.

"Let's see!" said the fairy godfather.

He waved his wand, and with a twinkling of magic they were in the kitchen of a grand house, Cinderello sat weeping by the fire.

"Come now," said his fairy godfather. "You shall go to the Ball."

"But I have nothing to wear!" sniffled Cinderello.

The Fairies of the Four Seasons waved their wand... and Cinderello found he was wearing a magnificent torero suit.

Then Tanjiro gave Cinderello the silver shoes.

"Oh, thank you!" said Cinderello.

"They fit perfectly!"

"Now, go with him, Tanjiro and Angelina," said the fairy godfather. "But—not even fairy magic can last forever!"

And with a wave of his wand, a golden carriage appeared.

The enchanted carriage swept them off to the palace, while above them the stars danced in the sky.

Inside, the Royal Ball had started.

Everyone looked splendid, but Cinderello was the loveliest by far.

The princess stepped forward. "Please may I have this dance?" she asked Cinderello.

The princess and Cinderello danced all evening.

"It's not fair!" said an angry boy.

"Why doesn't she dance with us? said another.

Angelina and Tanjiro thought they must be Cinderello's stepbrothers. They hadn't recognized Cinderello in his beautiful torero suit.

Just then, the clock began to chime... it was MIDNIGHT! Angelina tugged Cinderello's cape. "We must go!" she cried.

"And hurry!" added Tanjiro.

They ran down the steps of the palace and as the last chime rang out, Cinderello's beautiful torero suit changed back into old rags.

"Oh, no!" gasped Cinderello. "The princess must not see me like this!"

As Cinderello hurried off, Angelina and Tanjiro saw he had left one of Madame Mitsuri's silver shoes behind!

Angelina and Tanjiro ran back up the steps... and there stood the princess, holding the silver shoe.

"I will search the word to find the boy who lost this shoe!" she said.

"We know where he lives!" said Tanjiro.

"You must find him!" added Angelina.

"Then please take me there!" said the princess.

They passed through forests and over mountains until at last they came to Cinderello's house.

"I shall marry the boy whose foot fits this shoe!" said the princess.

The stepbrothers rushed to try it on... but their feet were too big!

All of a sudden, the matching shoe fell from Cinderello's apron pocket.

The princess wondered... could this be the handsome boy she had danced with?

Cinderello put on the shoes.

They fit perfectly!

All the fairies flew down and exclaimed, "Well done, Angelina and Tanjiro! You both helped Cinderello find a happy ending!"

The princess and Cinderello danced for joy, and the beautiful music filled the air, growing louder and louder...

And then, Angelina and Tanjiro were all alone on the empty stage once more, and the musical box was silent.

In Tanjiro's hands were the silver shoes. He slowly returned them to the trunk, with the pair he had borrowed for himself.

"Good boy!" said Madame Mitsuri, busting onto the stage. "Now, hurry along, or you'll be late for your dinner!"

"Thank you and thank Angelina," said Tanjiro "I loved dancing to the Cinderello ballet music."

"Cinder... ello..." smiled Madame Mitsuri. "You even share his name, but try to remember both your shoes next time!"

"I'll try," laughed Tanjiro. "Goodbye!"

"Goodbye, darling!" said Madame Mitsuri, as Angelina, Tanjiro and his five siblings skipped down the street.

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