Chapter 18 -Can't be motivated

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Chapter 18 —Can't be motivated

"Abu Musa Al-Ashari {R.A} reported that the Prophet {S.A.W} said, 'A person will be summoned with the one whom he loves'."


Aahil slid out of bed with a deep sigh. He was missing Waliya like a man missing half of his heart, like a sky that was not quite blue, he was missing her like a car without an engine. It didn't make sense, but that was what he was at that moment without her — a befuddling mess. He couldn't tell which way was up or down. He just was not thinking straight.

After making his wudhu and going to the Masjid for fajr salaah, he returned and slid back under his cold blankets. The things he found joy in previously, seemed to be lacking. It was Waliya's fault.

She made the three days he spent with her so colourful and vibrant, now that he was forced into work too quickly without her, he seemed to be lacking the motivation to do anything. All he wanted to do was be with her. He was acting like some lovesick fool.

Yet, when you wait and keep yourself pure for the one person you are meant to

walk into Jannah with, there is no reason to want to be apart. So often he

heard the saying that when you find the one you want to spend the rest of your

life with, you are impatient to begin that life. Finally, after those short,

blissful hours with Waliya, he understood it.

He had already been separated from her for a week, but he was ploughing through the work he was meant to do for the six months. Aahil was trying to finish as much as he could so that he could return home at an earlier appointed date so that he has more time with Waliya. In just one week, he had already developed a depressing routine. Missing Waliya had become his number one hobby.

That was of course, unconsciously, his number one thing to do. Thereafter, he would spend some time in bed, going over his to-do list for the day and then, after an hour, he would finally get to wake Waliya up. When he looked at the time of his phone, he realised he was two minutes late in calling her.

He dialled and waited with his heart beating harder and faster in his chest: a flamingo stuck in his chest during migration season. It was funny how he couldn't explain just what he was feeling. The excitement to speak to her, the hunger of missing her, the longing to be alongside her after all those long years, it was all just too much. Just when she was finally in his grasp, he had lost her momentarily because of work. He was both glad and sad about this; on one hand, he could phone her and speak to her all he wants, but he still would be unable to touch her and hold her in his arms.

When at last she answered the call, he was happy. "Aahil," she sighed happily.

"Assalaamualaikum," she added on.

"Wa'alaikumusalaam," he replied with a smile on his face. "Were you already awake?" he asked her wondering what could have made her get up so early. He didn't like the fact that he would keep her up at night and then still wake her up early in the morning.

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