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Assalaamu Alaykum guys,

For the last time, I have a list of people I would like to thank. Your love and support has allowed me to finish this little book. More than anything, your patience was astounding, especially considering how long I left it. But, before I get to the enjoyable part, I have one thing to do.

I know many of you will be upset that Waliya is dead. But, I felt that she had to go. I am a lover of happy endings and this isn't exactly a happy ending, but this was done because I was inspired by this lady on Instagram. She met her husband nearly ten years before they were married. They were friends since her teenage years, and I think about ten months after their marriage, he passed away.

Her heartbreaking letter/ post on Instagram inspired me to change the ending of Aahil and Waliya's story. We never know what our future holds, and for this reason, I killed Waliya off. But, I made sure that Aahil will always have a piece of Waliya in a physical form (his kids!).

SO, Waliya did not die in vain. I wanted to highlight that sometimes, we need to re-evaluate our relationships with important people. We need to live in the moment so that we do not regret in the future. But, I will leave you to find your own message in the book. That is only ONE that I pointed out and intended to highlight.

I love you all so, so very much for being with me to the end. I cannot tell you how much your support and love means to me. I can't even explain how giddy I get seeing so-and-so commented on your story.  {And, if you liked this check out my short story 'The Plus One Search', and my new current story 'Unlikely To Happen'.}

So, in no particular order, I'd like to thank the following people for reading and being a constant commenter and supporter and...basically, a cheerleader.








And, I apologise if I have left anyone out, these come to the top of my mind. Jazakallah khair to anyone who has given this story a chance and read it. I struggled through it and all your support made the difference in the end. I am so glad and sad to say, this is the end. I love you all for the sake of Allah!

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