US #1 - The Nothing

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(I don't exactly have a format for this so I'll try my best.)

Title Series : The Nothing

Book Titles : (N/A since I do have the titles there I just don't wanna list them all.)

Prompt/Idea : UN gets corrupted by this black sludge, Countryhumans try to find a way to cure him before he engulfs the whole world in darkness.

Plot : You can DM me about my previous plans for it but this is kinda like free-for-all prompt for the rest of the plot. I only had like one whole chapter and a bit of others done.

Description (or at least what was saved no matter if it was random shit or something.) : "Nothing can be as more terrible then what I am. Nothing."

The countries and organisations have discovered 'a weird small black thing' out and about in a deserted area. They brought it to the headquarters lab for research and close inspection.
One organisation becomes drawn to it, falling under the control of what it could do.
Would the countries and organisations be able to uncorrupt him and capture 'the thing' or will they fail and fall into the claws of the black voided creature?

"Isn't it beautiful?"

UN is polite and well mannered being out of everyone. It's hard to anger him and he's always calm. He chooses to calmly solves things but if it got out of hand, he'll be very serious which is rare for his kind nature. He would help anyone in need and knows how to control an up-roaring crowd. It explains the glowing halo-like flag over his head and the soft white dove wings that accompanied the pure white eyes of his.

EU is the most ecstatic out of most of the organisations. Though he can be serious and short tempered, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have anxiety issues. He knows how to manage money and business well enough but can't calm down argument between countries without giving them a scare. Although twelve stars float around and above his head, glowing a golden hue like his eyes.

'The Nothing' is a Countryhumans/Organisationhumans AU book series I made myself, an original idea. Although the Countries and Organisations I may mention in these book(s) don't belong to me, the plot and the book(s) themselves belongs to me as well as the art I may put in the book(s). Yes, this is a series. No, this is just the start. But I hope you enjoy reading these book(s), reader! (This is just notes I put at the end of my descriptions usually.)

Questions here --------------------------------------------->

Alright onto the actual product of this unfinished story. There might be grammar mistakes or whatever since majority of these are old.

Chapter 1 - New Foundings : 

Quick yet faint footsteps filled the white marble hallways as he quickly jogged to the two doors metal doors, a sign on top that glowed a red light signalling that something was happening inside.

He hurriedly pushed open the doors wide enough for him to speed walk through, the sounds of the doors opening caught everyone's attention in the white large room to look over to who had entered.

He pants as someone else, who looked a bit like him yet some differences could be noticed from both of them, ran up to him worried.

"UN!" She said, a bit surprised he had came running to here.

"WHO, I came here as fast as I could what's the problem?" UN quickly said, as he straightens himself out, fixing his lab coat and blue tie.

WHO just sighs in playful way, knowing that her own brother would worry about her greatly if she had sounded so worrisome over the phone.

"I don't really know if it's a problem, but we found something out and about in forest not far from here." WHO informed as she lead them both to the other side of the room where a table sat at with two other different people around it.

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