20 - Lost Friend

45 2 6

tw: blood, r slur, self harm, SA (very small scene dw not much, will put warning when it starts and when it ends)

a6d POV


I rushed back to the office, ran out the car and once again ignored protesters. I went up to the offices and found mine. I entered my office and took out the photo I retrieved. I'll run this through a database on my computer. I took a photo of it and sent it to my computer. I entered a code to access facial recognition software. I put the photo in and pressed "START". Now I just need to wait for it to do its thing. Hopefully we will find something. Too many people have died. It would be a miracle if we got a result on his face.


What? This can't happen, impossible. It's extremely likely that Rose has done criminal activity before all of this chaos started. I ran the program again and waited.


I muttered, "You got to be fucking kidding me."

Is he really 2 steps ahead of me? We have his face but it's not in the database. It's nowhere to be found. I was disappointed, but still hopeful. We had a good look of his face in color and even high resolution. It's a miracle that we even got a photo of him. I opened the documents app, pasted his face in and started typing away.

 I printed out the flyer and went out of my office. I jogged into the workroom and saw officers doing their work. I looked around and my eye caught the copier with an officer next to it. I went up to them.

"Hey, think you can do something for me?"

They turned to me, "Yeah, detective."

"I want you to make as many copies of this wanted flyer as you can. Put them all around Chicago and go to the news station and make sure they report this. I tried searching up his face on facial recognition, but nothing came up in any database. Make as many copies."

They took the flyer, "You got it, sir."

I took my phone out and texted Dream the information.

a6d: Dream, I got his face. We're getting there, officers are making copies right now as we speak.

Dream: yeah ok but you need to come home right now

a6d: are you ok?

Dream: I got another tape. It's directed toward me.

a6d: stay where you are, do not watch it without me.

I picked up my work bag and exited the front doors. That motherfucker. The moment I find you and look you in your evil eyes, I'll shoot you right in the skull. I went in my car and stepped on the gas. All the way home, I passed through green lights and barely any traffic was out. I reached the apartment building and parked, exited the car and raced up the steps. I got my keys out for his apartment and was about to unlock the door. Dream opened the door and stared at me with a dreaded look.

"Thanks," I went inside and nodded at him, "Where is it?"

He placed the tape in my hands, "Right here."

I looked at the tape and scanned it over, "How do you know it's directed to you?"

He gave me a small cardboard box, pointing where the address goes. It said Rose in capital letters with that wicked illustration his iconic symbol. On the bottom, it said "To Dream <3" in messy green paint. Bitch. We sat together on the couch. I bent over and put the tape inside. I took the remote and hovered my finger over the play button.

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