Because I wanna and I'm sorry

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Okay, okay okay--

everyone knows about flex tape right???
good good
everyone knows that it posbility fix a lot of things including waterproof stuff riiighhhtt?????

what i'm getting at is that I need a lot flex tape because a lot of my fucking characters for some god damn reason break the god damn fourth wall and it needs some uhhhh................"fixing." Yes. "FIXING"

anways questions of the day,

Do you:

A. Bite Ice cream
B. Lick Ice Cream
C. absorb Ice Cream
D. drink the ice cream
E. Use the cone as a way of drinking/eatting the ice cream.
F. Both A. B.
G. Both C and D
H. Help. I do all of the above.

I'm sorry- this was a debate in a another wattpad story that I had to bring up because I was the only one that really did Choice E, Choice D and Choice C. Help, I'm sorry.

Sincerly, TheRussianCrackhead.

'The Demon Priest'

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