Beware, dark humor is in this chapter. Hate it, suck it-
AS WELL ChaRACTer LorEe-- PERHPAs- Fair warning there will be sworn words- and it might get sad.Following Characters belong to me:
Ivan (CA)
Malachi D'Iren
Haskain Islands
Dr. Olivie
Ticci Kitten
Cream( Austin)
Demon Creature who go no name yet-
Now that everything has been said it's time for chaotic writing that my sleep deprive sleep can't even comprehend. No, I will not be proofread for any mistakes----------------------OvO---------------------
[It was indeed, quite a nice day. The sun was shining, the clouds dancing happily in the sky with the wonderful, blinding as-sun. It was a wonderful day to--]
"You ever wonder why last names ever exist.?" EI questioned.
"wait- WE'RE REQUIRED TO HAVE THOSE!???" Ivan yelled.
"Wait what-" El paused, "You don't have a last name?!?"
"no, NO I don't. I always just put 'CA' or leave it blank. I didn't know Those were required!" Ivan whined.
"Wow, not once have I seen someone not have a last name." Liv was stunned at this discovery.
"Neither have I." Dr. Olivie spoke.
"Isn't Olivie your first name?" Liv asked.
"Not exactly, it's just a name the foundation gave me." Dr. Olivie explained.
"At least you all have names." The demonic creature spoke sitting on the floor and staring into Liv's very soul.
"AAA-" The room screamed but Ivan and Dr. Olivie were by the sudden appearance.
"Ohh!~ It's my drinking buddy! Hi Buddy!" Ivan said, Cherry.
"oh god- you're still alive." The demonic creature spoke.
"of course, why wouldn't I?" Ivan questioned, pausing and answering their very own question, "Oh right, you tried to poison me. all fun times!" Ivan smiled.
The room is silent, staring at Ivan with concern and worry, and why Ivan said so casually.
Suddenly someone burst into the door, "GUYS- I DID SOMETHING- I'M BEING CHASED." The now white hair gay boi has entered the studio. Rushing to hide behind the couch.
"What did you do, Malachi?" Dr. Olivie spoke in a more professional manner.
"I ATE THE APPLE," Malachi screamed, successfully fitting themselves in the small space between the couch and the wall."what" Dr. Olivie looked behind the couch at Malachi.
"I. Ate. The. Apple." Malachi sounded out. "It was poisoned..and it already went bad."
Ivan laughs, wheezing as they try to calm themselves down. Dr. Olivie just stares at Malachi for a good minute before turning away and sitting on the couch with the most disappointing look possible. Haska has just come to the balcony stairs looking down into the living room, staring at the small group.
"I did not sign up for this," Haska spoke, sighing.
"Neither did I" Ticci spoke, temping to fix their floating disk desk.
"You still trying to fix that?" Haska spoke,
"Yeah. Being a Pain." Ticci sigh.
"You're still being lonely, or conflicted?" Haska spoke leaning against the railing and looking up at Ticci.
Ticci was quiet for a moment, "I don't know, I suppose both?"
Haska sighs, "Which one seems to be bothering you the most?"
"My feelings," Ticci spoke. "..To Cream. er.. Austin."
Haska shook their head, "Come let's go for a walk,"
"eh?" Ticci looked at Haska confused.
"Trust me, You don't want a few of these helpless romantics to hear you," Haska said walking down the stairs dragging Ticci with them, and out the front doors of the studio as the loud noisy chaos happens inside.
The chaos was rawr inside before the sleep-deprived creator walked out and yelled at them go touch the grass. Ivan broke through a window...again. Malachi still hid between the couch and the wall. Dr. Olivie just lay on the couch. Liv used the front door like a NORMAL PERSON. [Looking at Ivan.] All was good, all was indeed.. good.
or as good as it would get for some of them.
[To be continued. ]