Chapter 20- Yin-Yang

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"It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages." – Friedrich Nietzsche

Arnav held on tightly to the steering wheel trying inevitably to keep his eyes on the road as he was driving them, him and Khushi, to AR for the gala event. But he knew that he was failing miserably at the job of keeping his mind focussed on the task at hand when his attention was drawn towards the beautiful woman who sat beside him, unconcerned and lost.

His breath hitched when he remembered how Khushi had walked down the staircase in elegance and grace, in the living room of Raizada mansion, decked up in the red saree that was draped elegantly and sensually around her petite frame, coupled with the dangling diamond that sat on her delectable neck. And he couldn't take his eyes off her.

Not because she was looking downright ethereal in red, that too. But more so because she had finally accepted and worn the gift that he had given her, graciously combining it with her attire to complete her ravishing look for the gala dinner tonight.

She had walked down the stairs amidst the praises from his family and rightly so, but her eyes had somehow sought his even though she had been surrounded by them. And an inexplicable satisfaction had warmed his heart at the way she had silently sought his opinion not just about how she was looking tonight but also about the piece of exquisite diamond that he had gifted her. And needless to say that he had only smiled back warmly at her, reassuring her that she looked breathtaking in not so many words.

Khushi's beauty was not just external nor was it fake, like how he had seen the models around him all the time. The attraction she exuded didn't stem from her overly exquisite features or simplicity. It was ideally a mix of everything- beauty, innocence and the warmth that he had often associated with her. She was different in a lot of ways from anyone he had ever met before. And by different he meant, a good different.

A smile graced his lips as he thought about her but the most baffling thing about her was that even after looking like a million bucks and creating such a turmoil in his mind and heart, she was sitting there oblivious to the fact that she was an enchanting beauty in all her might. Did she really not care about how she was looking today or the kind of effect she was having on him? Not that he had praised her in words so far, but his eyes had held an appreciation that was conspicuous to her if she bothered to look at him once.

He felt mildly disappointed at the way she was engulfed in silence today, unlike yesterday when she had confronted him, sought his opinion on the dress she was wearing today, and how she had challenged and accepted their changing dynamics. However, right now she was just lost in her thoughts and staring outside the window mutely.

Was she not happy to go to the dinner with him? Or was she excepting to hear something from him?

He didn't know what was the matter with her, but he decided to cut her and himself some slack and cleared his throat to gather her attention. And when she turned to look at him with confusion writ over her beautiful face. "I will introduce you to my staff, and also Aman, he is my trusted PA. So in case you need anything, any dress or material or jewelry, you can contact him," he said.

Arnav had no idea what he was blabbering or why, but he just knew that he had to make small talk with her. Fortunately, the car came to a halt outside the magnificent premises of AR and he watched in satisfaction as Khushi looked at the AR headquarters in awe. He almost heard her gasp in wonderment at the way she was looking at the sprawling and opulent complex that was built by some of the finest architects and interior designers in the country.

And with a single minded focus on making this night a memorable one for Khushi, Arnav pushed the door open and stepped out in the peppery evening air to welcome his wife for one of the finest event's at AR.

Arnav- Khushi SS: Vivaah- An Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now