𝗼𝐧𝐞 | "𝐡𝐢 𝐜𝗼𝐬𝐲, 𝐢'𝗺 𝐲𝗼𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐲"

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Everything was calm, quiet, and completely peaceful in the Halstead's house. Three out of the four members of the family were there. Jay and Hailey had brought home the newest member of the family, baby Cosette, only a few short hours ago. The baby was three days old, and the parents were happy to have her home. But, they were missing one important person. Caroline, their elder daughter. Caroline had been staying with Kim, one of Hailey and Jay's coworkers, and her daughter, Makayla. Hailey and Jay were lucky to have such a great group of friends who were willing to help out with something like this.

"I think it's time for Cosy to meet her big sister, don't you?" Hailey asked, as she sat on the couch, cradling the newborn baby in her arms. Jay, who had been putting away the things in both their hospital bag, and baby Cosette's bag as well, waltzed back over to his wife and youngest daughter. "I think you're right. I'll give Kim a call, and see if she'll bring her home" Jay said, as Hailey gave him a nod. At that moment, Jay walked back to their bedroom, to grab his cell phone. While he did that, Hailey simply stared at their newest daughter, and just admired her.

Once he grabbed his phone, Jay scrolled through his contact list before he found Kim's name, as he clicked on it, and clicked the button listed as "call". On the second ring, Jay was greeted by a, "Hey, Jay" from Kim. "Hey. Would you mind bringing Callie on home? We think it's time she meets her baby sister. You and Mak are welcome to see her too, of course." He stated, as Kim replied, "You've got it. I'll get her shoes on, and we'll be there shortly." After that, the call was over, and Jay went back to his wife.

Over with Kim, Makayla, and Callie, there was excitement in the air. Mostly from Callie, at that. "I can't wait to meet her!" The four year old chirped, as she put on her shoes, and connected the velcro straps on each one. "Well, if you're ready, let's go. I'm sure your mama and daddy, and your sister, are ready for you to be back." Kim said. The apartment door was shut behind them, as the three headed out to Kim's car, and headed out to Jay and Hailey's.

It was only around a ten minute drive from Kim's apartment complex to Jay and Hailey's house. Kim parked the car, and the two young girls in the backseat eagerly exited the vehicle. "Slow down you two, the baby will still be there when we get up to the door, I promise" Kim reminded the girls, as they laughed. "Sorry, Auntie Kim! I'm just suuuuuper excited!" Callie said, before she, Kim, and Makayla headed up to the front door, as Kim knocked, and the three of them waited patiently for an answer.

Both Jay and Hailey heard the knock at the door. "I think that's our girl" he said, as he stood up, and made his way over to the front door. Jay then opened the door, seeing the three of them outside. "Daddy!" Callie said, smiling practically from ear to ear as her father opened up the door. "Hey, baby girl" Jay said, as he gave his oldest daughter a big hug, and a kiss on the cheek. "Hey Kim, hey Mak" he said after hugging Caroline, making sure to greet their company as well. "Hi Uncle Jay!" Makayla smiled, followed by a "Hey again" from her mother. Jay fully opened the door, as he allowed the three to come inside. "Callie, mama and baby sister are ready to meet you, but I need you to wash up your hands first, okay?" He asked his four year old. "I will, daddy!" Caroline said, as she skipped over to the sink, where she washed her hands for the standard amount of time, as she always did. Once she had washed and dried her hands, she turned back to her father. "I'm all done, daddy!" Callie said, as Jay nodded. "Well come on then, let's go meet your baby sister" he told her, as the two walked off to meet the baby, as Kim and Mak followed them as well.

Jay led Caroline into the living room, where Hailey and baby Cosette were located. "Mama!" Callie said, excitedly, but keeping her voice down a bit, as to not startle the new baby. "Hi, my love" Hailey said, as Callie gave her mother a hug. Callie then looked down at the small baby in her mothers arms. "That's baby sister?" She asked, as Hailey nodded. "It sure is. This is Cosette, well, Cosy" Hailey told the four year old. "Hi Cosy, I'm your big sissy, Callie" Callie said, as she smiled. "Do you want to hold her?" Hailey asked the oldest child, as she nodded. "Please?" Callie asked. "Climb up right beside me, and you may hold her" Hailey told her, as Caroline climbed up onto the couch beside Hailey. Once she was situated, Hailey placed Cosette into her older sisters arms, assisting her when necessary. Jay was standing nearby, making sure to snap a few photos on his phone of the meeting between the girls. 

Caroline held her baby sister for upwards of ten minutes, before she decided she was finished. Before she let Hailey take Cosette out of her arms, Callie leaned down, and gave her new baby sister a sweet little kiss on her cheek. Hailey then took the newborn from Callie. "You're already the best big sister, Cal." Jay told her, as Hailey nodded in agreement. By now, it was time for a feeding session for Cosette, so Hailey got the baby all set up, and allowed her to nurse away. After a few minutes, the baby had finished, and Hailey proceeded to burp her.

After the newborn had been burped, the parents let both Kim and Makayla have a turn holding the baby, after they'd washed their hands, of course. Makayla held Cosette first, happily. After a few minutes, she switched off and let Kim take over and hold the baby. Finally, the baby had made her rounds to everyone present, and had ended up right back into her mother's arms.

Kim and Makayla stayed for a little while longer, chatting with Jay and Hailey, before it was time for them to head back to the apartment, since it was starting to get late. After they had left, it was time for Callie to head to bed, so she told both her mother and little sister goodnight, as Jay took her off to put her in the bed, while Hailey slowly made her way back to their bedroom with the baby, to settle in for the night. Jay tucked in Callie, and he then read her a bedtime story, before finishing up their nightly routine with a hug and a kiss to his daughter. "Goodnight, Callie. Mama and I love you" he told her, as Caroline responded, "Night daddy! Love you too!" She said, as he turned off her light, closed her bedroom door, and made his way off to his bedroom to head on to bed with his wife, and newborn, who was sleeping away in the bassinet placed near Hailey and Jay's bed. Jay climbed into bed after changing, and gave Hailey a swift kiss. "How did we get so lucky?" He asked. "We'll never know, but I'm glad this is our life." Hailey said, before the two dozed off to sleep, before they'd be awoken by their newborn after a few hours.

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