𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 | "𝐢'𝗺 𝐜𝗼𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝗺𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐤𝐞𝗺𝐢𝐚"

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"What kind of cancer do you think she may have?" Jay asked, as he held his oldest daughter close to him. "Based off of her lab results, I'm concerned that she may have leukemia. At the hospital, they will run more tests, to fully identify what is exactly going on with Caroline." The pediatrician told the parents. While both Hailey and Jay's hearts plummeted into their stomachs, sweet Callie had absolutely no idea what was truly going on. She had no idea what the word "cancer" even meant. All Callie knew, was that she felt bad, and hadn't gotten better yet. She wasn't aware of just how sick she truly was.

From there, the Halstead family immediately left the pediatrician's office, to head home and pack their bags for the hospital. Maybe Callie's lab results were misread. Maybe they were invalid. "There's no way in hell she has leukemia. She's just recovering slower than we liked" was the thought racing through Hailey's mind, as Jay drove them home. As much as she wanted to believe what her thoughts were telling her, something deep down was telling her that Callie did have leukemia. But now, it was up to the next round of tests that Callie would be put through at the hospital once they would arrive.

Jay and Hailey frantically packed up a bag for themselves, and a bag for the girls. If Callie was going to be admitted, Hailey would bring Cosette home, and would spend time with Callie during the day. With Cosette being so young, being in the hospital wasn't the best idea for the baby. Plus, with the baby breastfeeding every two to three hours, Hailey couldn't leave the baby with someone else. She hadn't found pumping useful this time around, so there wasn't any at home for the baby to have. That being said, Hailey and Jay both had discussed what they would do. Jay would stay full time with Callie, she most likely would do better with her daddy there, since she was more of a daddy's girl. Hailey would stay with them during the day, and let Jay go home to shower, and rest up before he'd go back with Callie. But, maybe they wouldn't need to do that. They didn't know for sure if Callie would have to stay. But based on the pediatrician's tone and expressions, they were going to be in for a long ride.

Within the same hour, Hailey, Jay, Callie, and baby Cosette had loaded back up into the car, and driven to the hospital. But this time, not to have a baby. Not to visit. To see what really was going on with their daughter. The four quickly exited the vehicle, Jay grabbing the bags and Callie's small hand, while Hailey collected baby Cosy and the diaper bag for her. From there, the four of them made their way into the hospital, and went directly to the floor and location that the pediatrician had told them to go to. When they arrived, they checked in, and were quickly taken back to a room, where they gave Callie her hospital bracelet, and gave one to each of her parents, in order to identify which patient they were with. And then, it was time for more tests. Once again, Callie lost it when they drew her blood. The small child absolutely hated needles. Jay had to sit with her, and practically hold her down in order for the nurse to be able to accurately and efficiently draw enough blood for the tests.

And then, the waiting game began once again.

It took about an hour before the doctor made his way into Callie's hospital room. Callie had been on the hospital bed, coloring quietly, while her baby sister napped in her car seat, to give Hailey and Jay both a break from holding their daughters. However, when Hailey and Jay greeted the doctor as he entered, they saw his hospital badge. On it, read the word "Oncologist". When they read that word, the two of them knew. Before the doctor even managed to say a word to either of them, both of sweet Callie's parents knew the diagnosis. "Mr. and Mrs. Halstead, the test results have unfortunately confirmed our beliefs. Caroline does have leukemia." The doctor informed the two. Tears welled in both Hailey and Jay's eyes, as they turned back to their four year old daughter, who was still completely oblivious to what was happening around her, and even in her body. "But she can get better, can't she?" Jay asked. "She very well can." The oncologist told the two. "But it won't be easy. Our best route is chemotherapy. My team and I discussed that we want to place a port in her chest. This way, we will be able to access it for blood draws, chemotherapy, and more. It also will help with not having to find her veins, and it should be a bit easier on her." He told the parents. The two looked between one another momentarily, before nodding. "How soon can she have one placed?" Hailey asked the doctor. "We could get her in early tomorrow morning for the surgery. It shouldn't take more than thirty to forty five minutes to place it, and then she'll be brought up here after she wakes back up. After it's placed, we should be able to begin chemo for her within a few days." The oncologist informed.

At that moment, Hailey and Jay agreed to the port placement surgery. If it had the potential to be easier on Callie, they wanted to do it. It wouldn't be easy, though. Callie had never had surgery before, so it would be a new thing to her. But, they knew it was important.

After a bit more discussion, the oncologist left the family in Callie's room. How was this their new life? How did their baby girl get cancer? They wouldn't have those answers. But what they did know, was that Callie wouldn't give up easily. They had to tell her that she was very sick. "But I don't feel sick, mama" the four year old stated. "I know. But you're very sick. That's why we're here. The doctors and nurses are going to help you get better, baby." She told her daughter. In reality, Callie still didn't fully understand. So, they decided not to push too much more on her, just yet.

Once it started to get a bit late, Hailey decided it was time to head home with the baby. She told both Jay and Callie goodnight, and took Cosette home to nurse her, and head to bed, to be up to be with Callie after her port placement.

At the hospital, Jay and Callie completed their same nightly routine, just in a hospital, instead of Callie's bedroom. "Goodnight, baby girl. I love you" Jay said, as he planted a kiss on Callie's forehead. Callie had already fallen asleep by then, but now that his daughter's life was practically hanging in the balance, he knew to tell her how he loved her any chance he had. Jay watched his four year old sleep away in the bed, as he sat near her. He sat on the couch, watching her chest rise and fall. He needed her to get better. What would Jay do without his Callie girl? His firstborn child. His 'daddy's girl'. Jay eventually drifted off to sleep, before he'd be woken up before Callie would go back for surgery.


AN: Thank y'all again for reading! Any comments, thoughts, questions, anything is welcome! Thanks for reading and voting and supporting my work!

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