
30 5 3

Just a normal calm day.
It was pretty hot wich was nice, I went to the city to eat some ice wich was nice :)
I then walked back home wich took like half an hour, listening to an self concept subliminal.

At work I needed to make an list for when the other people order their buns (like those little bread things, not the animal)
It's called Brötchen in German :)

Later that day I went and removed some weeds from the garden.
Wich was necessary but not fun as it was very hot outside (and still is)

I just ate some Mi-Noodles wich weren't good at all, completely bland and just urgh..
The insta noodles I had yesterday were far better somehow!

And we'll now I am browsing Reddit and playing an Pokémon Browsergame ^^

Yeah, that's all for now, see ya!

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