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The pair rejoined the group, who were now just chilling on the beach; Nat sitting on Estelle's right and Bradley sitting on her left. Estelle took off her shirt, which was now completely see-through and very uncomfortable, revealing the sports bra she had on underneath, and grabbing the attention of several of the people she was sitting with.

"I can't believe you helped her." Estelle said in Bradley's ear with a slight giggle, causing him to laugh, "After everything I've done for you. I'm gonna keep your wallet next time."

"So there's going to be a next time?" He said, raising an eyebrow, and turning to face the girl, who blushed once she realized how close they were.

Estelle felt her cheeks heating up and pulled back, realizing how close she was to Bradley, "I don't know. Are you going to forget your wallet again?"

"I don't know. I might, if it means I get to see you again." Bradley said, smirking and taking in everything about the girl in front of him.

The blush had yet to leave Estelle's cheeks when her name was called, "Estelle, c'mere." Mav said, waving her over to where he was sitting by her mother.

The blonde quickly got up and jogged over to Maverick and her mother, "Yeah, what's up?"

"There's a job opening you might be interested in." He said with a small smile on his face.

"Oh yeah?"

"It's on base." He said, grabbing the blonde's full attention, "There's an interview with Admiral Simpson tomorrow."


Two chapters today?! Who is she 😫

Very short chapter, I know, and kind of a clif hanger???

What do we think of Bradley and Estelle????

Any guesses on what job the interview is for???

I won't be posting for the next 3-4 days because I'm gonna be on vacation with my family :) and literally don't have any time to write so you guys get this bonus chapter!!

This is now the shortest chapter in this book- I feel so bad but I don't want the chapters to be too long...

Anyways, I think that's all for now!!

KJ 🫶🫶

Crash & Burn || Bradley "Rooster" BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now