⤷ 𝟚𝟜,, 𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕒'𝕤 𝕤𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣

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someone wraps their arms around you from behind.

the person is much taller, so it's either kaykay or haruko.

you're assuming it's haruko.

you turn around and are met by his freckled face smiling at you. he has his hair up, and is again, wearing a varsity jacket.

you smile, "hey, haru. it's good to see you again after being inside for a good week."

he chuckles and pushes you softly, "yeah, don't ever leave us alone anymore."

you roll your eyes, "fine! but i can't promise i won't do stupid shit because we both know i will."

"you should take me with you next time."

the two of you laugh and sit down at one of the benches in the shopping mall.

kaiya and kaykay are late.

kaiya was bringing someone else, and kaykay probably overslept.

the twins and suna didn't want to hang out because they were spending time with their family. fair point as it's almost the new year, and they want to visit their families and all that.

in all honesty, you're assuming that suna just didn't want to come because he's too damn lazy and wants to stay inside watching films and series.

(you kinda wanna do that too though).

"we're here!" you hear a familiar voice shout.

you and haru turn your heads towards the direction of the voice, and see kaiya and some other girl with brown hair.

both of them wave towards you.

you stand up and hold out your hand, "hi! i'm y/n l/n, who are you?"

the new girl smiles at you, "riley nakano, nice to meet you! i've heard loads about you from kaiya-chan."

"oh! how come?"

"riley wants to become the manager of the volleyball team too! she's suna's half sister, funny, right?"

"oh! you're suna's half sister?!"

you gasp, "i've heard a lot about you too! suna sometimes talks about you but i never knew that you were into volleyball too."

she chuckles at your words, "trust me, i'm not. but our parents said it would be good to become more brother and sister like now that they're married and all that, so my mother suggested i should be the manager. i already told her there were two already, but i guess we have three now!"

you nod, "sure, the more the merrier. i don't like volleyball anyway."

"i'm haruko takeuchi, by the way. i just hang around the team a lot because they're my friends and i have nothing better to do."

"sounds about right," riley answers him. she laughs. "so who are we waiting for now?"

"kaykay," you say, looking around. "but i bet they overslept."

"i did!"

you hear someone run towards you all, panting deeply as they come to a halt.

they put their hand in the air. "i'm kaykay sasaki, hey. who are you?"

"riley nakano, one of the new managers!" she beams.

"we have three now?"

they stand up and run a hand through their blue died hair. "look, y/n, you barely have to do any work anymore!"

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