Chapter 9

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I opened the door to Kaitlin's room to see her resting comfortably, watching TV. "How you doing Sweetheart? You scared your sister to death." I told her giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry," she laughed, "Mama told me that Nana was the one who told you about the accident and you know granny loves to exaggerate." Danielle hugged her sister and wiped her tears. I held Danielle's hands and gave her a kiss. "I told you everything was going to be already love, you know I gotchu."

"Aww isn't that so cute. Bestfriend look at my sister and her girlfriend Cahseno." Kaitlin said as her bestfriend walked out of the small bathroom behind me. I turned around to greet Kaitlin's bestfriend and saw that it was Lateeka. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I hope she plays dumb, I hope she acts like she don't know me. "Cahseno?" Lateeka's voice shook when she realized that I was the one dating her bestfriend's sister. By the tone in her voice I could tell that shit was about to get real. I had never been more correct in my life.

"What the fuck Cahseno! You're fucking my bestfriend's sister and you didn't tell me... How could you? I thought that we..." Her voice trailed off. Fuck my life I'm caught, I could surrender now or deny everything. I gotta think quick, I gotta act quick. Although I know what really went down with Lateeka and I know that I've been creeping behind Danielle's back, I wasn't ready to admit it yet. Deny everything at all cost. "Whoa, whoa, calm down babygirl. I don't know what your problem is, but you need to chill." I was trying my hardest to defer any allegations.

"So, you going to act like you don't know me?"

"No, I know who you are completely. You're Lateeka, my neighbor, but what I'm not understanding is why are you so mad?"

"Because you never told me you had a fucking girlfriend!"

"What have I done that has required me telling you that I gotta girl? Spoke to you a few times? Bumped into you once? Just because you had a crush on me, doesn't mean I'm feeling you shawty."

"You were just at my fucking house Seno!"

"No, I was not man. We live in the same building, technically I'm always at your house."

"You're such a dick." Lateeka looked at me disguised while Danielle and her sister looked at me confused. "Fuck you Seno." Lateeka muttered as she walked out of the hospital room. Danielle raised her eyebrows at me demanding an explanation. "That's the girl that stay by me."

"Cahseno, cut the shit. Did you go see her tonight? After I just had sex with you and you know for a fact how much sex means to me. You know I don't give it up to everybody so if I did Seno that means I really trust your black ass."

"Danielle, relax man I didn't see that girl and I never did nothing with that girl neither. I barely know her."

Danielle gave me a hug and a kiss, "I'm glad I can trust you baby."

Guitly until proven innocent, bitch.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I took Danielle to my house to go spend the night with me. We were cuddling in the bed watching some feminine as movie when she started kissing me on my neck. "Why you smell so good baby? Did you put on cologne just to come see me?" I got nervous because I had no reasoning for why I had on cologne. "No baby, don't feel too special. I was trying to see if Perry Ellis or Hilfiger smelled better, but it was kinda hard to smell Perry Ellis through the bottle so I just sprayed it on."

"Oh ok," Danielle was starting to get suspicious and I knew I was fucked. When we were at the hospital, I could tell that her "Glad I could trust you" wasn't sincere. "Its funny how..." Danielle turned to me and I could tell by those three words that I had fucked up. "Its funny how those jeans weren't on your desk when I was here earlier nor was that watch. So I'm going to ask you again, did you or did you not go to Lateeka's house today?"

"Babe I swear I didn't..." Danielle wasn't buying my shit. She cut me off before I could ever put the talk game on her. "Lateeka just sent me the screenshots of y'all conversation. At 8:17 PM did you or did you not say to her 'I wouldn't miss it for the world baby'? And if you barely know her why you put emojies next to the bitch name in your phone? Why you lying Cahseno?" Before I could even think of a decent lie, Danielle slapped the shit out of me. I winced in pain and grabbed my nose and seen that she had drawn blood. I was mad and I couldn't control it. I didn't know what the hell was happening, but all I remember was punching Danielle in the eye. She grabbed her face and rolled out of bed. "Oh shit, Danny I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, baby come here."

"Don't you fucking touch me," she cried. I slowly approached her, but she got up and ran out of my house. I was too in shock to follower her. Fuck how did I get here? How did this all happen? I sat on the floor for over 3 hours calling and texting Danielle. When I finally got an answer it wasn't her voice, it was a deep, overly masculine ass, gorilla sounding voice. "Hello?" the voice said.

"Who the fuck is this? Why you got my girl phone?" I questioned the voice.

"Yo girl? Man fuck outta here this ZZ nigga." My heart dropped because I finally realized how much I had hurt Danielle. I hurt her to the point that she had to crawl back to a nothing ass dyke like ZZ. I gotta make this right. I gotta fix this. For the first time in my life I felt remorse for my actions. I felt like I wrong and needed to take full responsibility for everything. It was all my own fault. Every last bit of it. And I see that now, God is it too late?

"I'm coming over there now to see my girl." I said.

"Naw nigga not if I see you first."

"Bet." I hung up in ZZ's face. I put on shoes and immediately ran out of the house to got see Danielle. As I ran out of my condo, I seen that it was storming bad outside, but I had to get there and I knew I couldn't borrow my mom's car at 3 AM. I needed a way to get to her house quick and get out of the ran so I decided to take all back roads even though they were all dark and scary as shit. I ran faster than I ever have before in my life. Everything just became a blurry, a shadow in the background because all I could think about was her. I needed the girl, I want the girl I love the girl. I ran and ran until I lost my perception of time. I couldn't tell if I had been running for 10 hours or 10 minutes, I couldn't tell. All I knew was that I was starting to see Danielle's house at the end of the block. It don't know if I had an angel with me or what, but I seen a bright white light shine towards her house. Milliseconds after I seen the light I began to realize that it wasn't caused by angels or God, nor was it in my head. It was the headlights from a car. I turned to see a SUV losing control driving down the street because of the heavy downpour. And then my whole world went black.

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