Chapter 5

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I paused bewildered as to why people trying to play me. "Coach, just save it. I ain't got time for all the extra, bruh this too much." He just let me leave and didn't try to stop me. There was nothing more to say.

I sat in front of the school thinking. "You always had an anger problem. You always felt so entitled to everything" a voice stated like it knew me.

"Mom, don't start I hate when people try to read me." I acted like she wasn't right, but ignoring the obvious she was right.

"Read you?" Mom seemed surprised, "Girl, I practically wrote you and don't think for a second that I can't read you."

"I'm sorry Ma." I felt my eyes watering up, but I couldn't let myself cry. Naw, not today, its not happening. I sniffled and lifted my head up proudly and tried to ignore the feeling of a lump in my throat.

"Cahseno, baby, don't let these 'females' go to yo head. Child, although I don't agree with yo actions, don't question my love. I diapered yo lil black ass and took you to your games so you could be successful. I only want the best for you, I'm your mother."

"Ma ma," for some reason instead of saying "mama" I always separated ma and ma like a little baby. "I have a lot on my mind. Its like I dunno..... How I'm 'pose to know whats real and whats fantasy? I wanted to take this school over, I wanted to end my senior year on top, I deserve it, I need this."

"What's real and what's fake isn't that hard to figure out baby. If you can't tell whats really here and what isn't, that means you're too caught up in wishful thinking. Are you talking about Danielle? Is she cheating on you because you're too pretty for that... or handsome. Whatever the hell you are."

"Haha, ma ma relax no one is cheating." I cracked up at my mama's assumptions and prayed that she wasn't right.

My mom embraced me making me feel better. I love her. A couple minutes later, we strolled over to her mercedes to go home. At the condo, Dad was watching TV.

"Jorge, did you take out the trash?" My dad was a tall, dark Cuban man. If you saw him in the street you'd assume he was black.

"Relax huh, why you have to be so loud when you come in the house, I'm watching baseboll." I tried not to laugh at the way he said "baseboll" instead of "baseball". If I hadn't had a long day I would have laughed already and made immigrant jokes. Today was different I just wanted a warm shower.

I got out the shower and put on boxers and a sports bra. I was about to snuggle away with my pillow when I heard a knock at the door. 'Who the hell?', I thought. To my surprise Danielle was the visitor. She was wearing some black sweats with her hair in a bun, but on her, dressing down looked like she was dressed up. Her thighs somehow managed to look A1 in baggy sweats, she always killed the game, even on bummy days. While I was staring at her thighs she made her entrance. "Baby, I'm sorry." I couldn't help but notice the sad, pathetic face she made. I felt bad for her, it almost made me want to stop being suspicious of her and playing her. I guided her to the bedroom. Automatically, she sat on my bed and bit her lip. "I was wondering if we could... you know, make up. I've been waiting so long, almost too long." Her hand rubbed my shoulders, chest, and then thigh. "Lets just fool around a lil bit." I held Danielle's small soft hands in mine. Since she was only 5'2 I towered over her and my hands smothered hers. I could sense Danielle wanted to make love, but I was more of the fucking type. I never made love a day in my life, I was more into the rougher things. One thing every girl I talk to should know about me is, I like to fuck hard. I'm talking hair pulling, ass grabbing, lip biting and all. At first, I was going to have sex with her, but I remembered that I was still mad at her for talking to ZZ or Zaire, whatever the dyke name was.

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