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 "Sorry Sir, what would you like to eat for dinner?" I was brought back to reality by the voice of the cook. I am not interested in eating anything, can't she see that I am not in the mood at all." Sorry Ma'am, I am not hungry, and please do not bother to cook dinner cause I would not eat anything." I said, staring out the windows of my study room. She walks out of the room, cause I could hear the doors close.  Today is the day, of the month that I don't like to experience in a year. The very day and hour that Dad died. Ever since that day passed by I have never been myself. Each year that comes, that very day I would drink to a stupor or I would work all night not thinking about the past incident, but this night is different, I can't seem to stop thinking about it.

"Dad, why did you leave? How am I to hold your company by myself? I am trying but it's not easy. Please come back and take me with you" I cried out loud, even though I know no one could hear me. My study room is made soundproof.  I throw the long-awaited list of files on my desk to the floor next, I throw my floor seating opposite the room, crashing the piled books to the floor. This day doesn't have to be like this. Tears to tears keep running down my eyes. 

" Who was so wicked to plant a bomb in his car? He was a very good man in the country, he contributed to business ethics and sponsored upcoming companies." I picked up the frame, which had a picture of me and dad in it. I stare at his face, full of wrinkles but still carrying a good-looking stature that could make people so intimidated.  If I was told 10 years ago that my dad is going to die, I would have sworn for the person but for real, his death was so tragic.

I wondered if Mom is pained by his death, but she spends a month mourning the death of her husband, the following months passed by, and she goes out with older Business men's wives or Duchesses wasting their time and money in country clubs. Was she really sad about his death or was I the only one who is laid back? Times, she would say I should move on from the pain but I can't see myself feeling happy when my dad died on this very day. I need something to take my mind off this Sorrows. 

The was a Knock on the door, I looked behind my chair to see who dared to disturb my peace. Mrs. Clorea's head popped throw the door before walking into the room. What does she want, I told her not to bring me dinner, I am not hungry at all. Her eyes widen in horror at the sight of damage I had caused with my hands. 

"Uhmmm" I cleared my throat bringing her out of the trance. "Sorry to disturb your privacy Master, but there is a lady here to see you?"

"What did she say her name is?" I asked not looking at her. "Uhmm, It is Ms.Christiano." When that name came rolling down her tongue, I looked at Mrs. Clorea in anger, how did she know my Mansion. "How does she know my Mansion?" I asked furiously already standing.

"I don't know Sir" Mrs. Clorea gave me a confused look, I felt stupid for asking the old lady these questions, she has no idea who Maya is.  I walk out of the door with Mrs. close behind me, I look down the stairs, Maya put up a smile while she looked at me, why is she smiling, I don't know who the hell gave her my house address.

"What do you want Maya? And why are you here" Her smile changed to a confused look. " I just wanted to check on you and why are you feeling so grumpy today?" Now she is asking me stupid questions. "Why do you care, Maya, Mrs. Chlorea would be escorting you out of the house now and again, get this very clearly, never come to my house again uninvited ok!" I walk back to the stairs while Mrs. Chlorea walks Maya out the door." You don't have to do these Vincenzo, Is it because of that girl or the fact your dad died 10 years ago, that's why you bury yourself every year of this day, you gotta move on." She shouted  I don't give a fuck what she wants to say, I don't take orders from someone that dumped me a long time ago. I needed her but she wasn't there and now she advises me on words she doesn't feed herself. I walk straight to my room and lay on the floor in pain. Where was everyone at the point I needed them the most, 

What if Maya is right? I got to move on, the pains of the past keep haunting me and it's scary to know that dad can never come back, but he is alive in my heart. I pick up flowers from my garden before walking down to the cemetery, it's a five minutes drive, but I prefer walking to clear my mind. Walking straight to Dad's monument,  it's granite white-colored, boldly written with his name on it. Every night that passes by, I will change the flowers, kneeling by the grave I speak, more like a whisper. " Dad I try so hard to do things your way but I can't, your company is on top but I feel most of the employees don't like me at all, what am I supposed to do?"  " Son, the is nothing that your father is not proud of, you have done so much, he is happy with your attitude towards work and he expects you to always be happy." The sudden deep cracked voice spoke up, I looked behind me, it was Grandpa, he was holding a bouquet of daisies in his hands and I could see the tears in his eyes. " Vince, it is not a good thing t all for a child to die before the parent, it's so uncomfortable for me to bring flowers to his grave every morning." He dropped the flowers beside the ones I had brought earlier. I sniffed. "Come on, let's go" He held out his hands for me as we walk through the paths of the road.  " Grandpa, do you think My dad would be happy if I move on and stop thinking deeply and behaving like a coward every year of this day?" I looked up to the sky, avoiding the tears from escaping. " Well, yes your father would be happy if you choose to do the right thing" My thought's kept pondering on the wonderful future ahead of me and the mighty company dad had left for me. 

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