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 "Good day ma, please I need to see my friend, her name is Ginevra " A lady shouted at the nurse in the foyer, I walked quickly to see what caused the commotion. The lady was dressed in rural outfits, her looks didn't speak of the cities of Italy, and her hair was long black reaching her bra length. "Sorry Ma'am who do you wish to see?" She looked at me, she looked so much like Ginevra, is she her sister? But her aunt said she is the only child of the Esposito so I guess she is not her sister then.  "Sorry, Doctor, I came to visit my Bestfriend" Oh She is Ginevra's friend,  hope she is not one of those that wishes her dead. "Oh ok, Ma'am, follow me please" 

We walked through the halls and stairs of the building, I opened the doors of her room leading the lady into the room. She rushed to hug Ginevra in tears. I watched the scene unfold in my front. She isn't like the rest, that wished Ginevra dead. All she wants is to see her friend. The tears that rolled down her eyes were so real, but where was she when Ginevra suffered through pains and violation?  "Uhm Ma'am let me give you space and time with her, you can stay as long as you want, I wouldn't disturb you" I take a bow before opening the doors. "Thank you so much Doctor, I appreciate"She spoke in tears. I nod my head and walked out the door.


I feel someone hug me so tight, it wasn't Vincenzo, the person has slender hands, it belongs to a lady, but who? 

"Hey Ginevra, it is me, Ophelia." 

Oh my Ophelia Oh God I have missed her so much. How did she find me? I have missed her voice so much.  "I found out two months ago that you were in an accident, [she sobbed] the news was brought to us in town too late. The moment I found out, I booked a train with my savings immediately. I am so sorry Gine, I never expected you to be like this." She used her savings to see me, those savings were meant to be used to buy new herbs for her mom and now everything was used for me. I remember when she started saving them money, for over 18 months. I don't deserve this. Lord, please reward her greatly for all she has done for me. "Ginevra you deserve everything good because you are a loving person, you spent most of your time caring for the people around you, even at your weakest point you cared for everyone. You deserve so much more. You have done so much for me and my family, so it's time for me to pay you back greatly." She doesn't have to do this at all. I am facing my punishment and I don't want anyone to suffer it with me. "Gine, mom has been asking of you, she talks about your day and night, she misses you, I miss you so much" I miss them both so so much. So there are still people that care and love me. I cried at the thoughts of the care people had for me because of how kind I was to them. Ophelia kept on talking about her trip to Italy and how she had missed me for so long. She is the only one I would call sister because she was very close to me. She laughed at her first experience in a new world, Italy.  I laughed but still, she didn't hear. 

"I love you Gine and I will stay with you every step of the way, I will visit you every day until I am satisfied that you are happy. Gine Esposito, you are a beautiful young girl, not just beautiful but Brave, you are the strongest girl I have ever known. so fight, FIGHT! keep fighting until you defeat your enemies, don't stop fighting, fight till you win the battle Gine. I know you are awake in there, so you would do me a favor and wake up the day you have restored a see and life" she has never spoken to me like this except from when I was 10, I fell off a tree and hurt myself on the knees. I cried out in pain, but she scolded me. Since that day, I respected her as a senior sister. I cried her words, she expects me to do the impossible.


5 hours late, I stared at my watch. I had signed in thirty documents, so I needed to rest. I see myself opening Ginevra's room and wasn't expecting to see the same lady of this morning still in the room. She turned to face me, I could see the dried tears on her face.  "Uhm, I can come back lat,e,r," I said opening the door to leave.  "Oh no Doctor, I was about leaving" She carried her bag and scarf walking toward me. "Oh ok, uhm I would like to speak to you about something Doctor" Hmmm, what was she going to say. We walk back to my office, she was seated opposite me on the right  "Please call me Vincenzo" I said calmly.  "Sorry for my terrible manners, I am OpheRoderigo'sgo'sgo's Best friend to Ginevra" There was a pause before she spoke again.

"Doctor Vincenzo, please do everything you can to make sure Ginevra is alright, I do not want to lose the only friend I have known, she is like a sister to me please " She begged on her knees, sod up begging her to have her seat.  "Miss Ophelia, I will try my very best ma'am," I spoke truthfully.  "I would visit her two days interval, I need to hurry to go back to the town to take care of my mom. She can't do anything without me by her side" She sniffed what does she mean by her mom can't do a single thing without her presence, is her mom crippled? " Sorry to ask Ma'am, what is wrong with your mom?" I straight. "She has cancer and she h been bed reading for years" She cried, I handed her fresh warm napkins to clean her tears  "I am so sorry about that ma'am, please stop crying" I consoled her. I dialed Cosimo's number quickly. "Hello, please can you come to my hospital tomorrow, as early as 9:30 am, there is a patient who is a patient who been diagnosed with cancer, she would be at the theatre room when you arrive... yes, thank you" I end the call, dialing Diego's number. 

"Sorry Miss, where does your Mom stay?" She looked at me in disbelief. " Oh Uhm, downtown Italy" Wow is that where she stayed? was Ginevra also living in swampy areas too. I shake my head in misery. "Yes Diego, my bodyguards will follow you to the outskirts of Italy,  you will pick a lady by the name of Mrs. Roderigo, and bring her to the hospital immediately.

"Thank you, Diego" I end the call and turn to face a surprise, Ophelia. 

"Thank you so much Doctor, thank you thank you" She jumped up in happiness, and tears filled her eyes. I was at rest when she looked so happy because I offer to help him. "Ma'am it's ok, I am just doing the right thing. You can stay in one of my hotels, don't worry about the payments, bills are on me so don't be worried Ma'am"

"But you have done more than enough for me, so I have to be very grateful" I smiled.

"Thank you once again, Doctor," She said before walking out of the office. I felt so relieved, helping.

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