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I lay in the creaky, stiff bed at Facility 107. The dusty, thin covers barely provided me with any warmth, and the pillow was as hard as a board. I ran my fingers lightly over the patch on my white nightgown. 3756. That is all I was at the facility. Number 3756. My fingers traveled upward, to my collarbone. I entwined my fingers around the small silver locket around my neck, tracing over the pristine pattern. Memories of my sixth birthday ran through my head like a movie.

"Mama," I had said. "Why do I have to hide?"

"Because," she replied, pushing me back into the closet. "We're playing hide and seek!"

Even at the age of six, I was smart enough to detect the hastiness and panic in my mother's voice. Though I wanted to ask why, I bit my tongue and slumped down against the wall. I remember her giving me a light kiss on my forehead before fastening a necklace on my neck.

"Your present," she had explained, before pulling the coats and blankets over my head. She then shut the doors and I could hear her quickly running away. Soon after, I heard a knock at our front door. I strained my neck to hear the muffled exchange.

"Hello, Miss Lithan," said an unfamiliar female voice. "I am Countess Mortagen of the High Court, and I am here to collect your daughter."

"I have no daughter," my mother had said hastily. I had lifted my eyebrows, wondering why my mother had lied. Before i could come to a conclusion, Countess Mortagen's voice sounded again.

"Search the house."

I then heard loud footsteps stomping closer to my room. The door slammed open and I could feel my heart quicken. Whoever was in here, I hoped they didn't find me. As I said my prayers, the closet door burst open and my cover was ripped off me. I screamed in surprise and I was immediately scooped up by a burly man and carried down the stairs. I was sobbing and kicking in protest as I was dragged away from my house.

"Mama!" I cried, reaching out my arms.

"Be brave!" She called, tears streaming down her face.

The memory stopped and I turned over, the bed squeaking. I pulled my legs to my chest and held tight, curling into a ball. Soon, the bell would ring, signaling that another day of testing would start. I closed my eyes, hoping sleep would take me.

I blinked open my eyes, and what I saw surprised me. I wasn't in the bleak, gray facility, but instead a bright, luscious meadow, sunshine sparkling down on me. I sat up and looked around, feeling baffled, before I realized. I must be dreaming! I thought. I stood up, dusting off my nightie. But the fabric felt... different. Silky, soft, clean. I walked around, feeling the grass brush my feet, and the birds chirped harmonically. Everything was so peaceful. Perfect. Picturesque. Suddenly, the ground started to softly shake and the sky darkened. I gasped as a loud roaring echoed around me, and the scene changed before my eyes. The meadow I was in turned into a large, cold mountain. I saw a cave and something about it called to me. I broke into a run, my long, tangled, strawberry blond hair flowing out behind me.

I slowed as I entered the cave, and a sudden warmness overtook me. A bright light radiated from deep inside the cave and I jogged toward. I got closer and closer, and a bright light exploded in front of me and I shot awake.

"Emereste? Are you alright?" A familiar voice asked me. I looked over to my side to see my friend Tali staring at me, concern darkening her pale blue eyes.

"I'm fine," I reply, staring at my twiddling thumbs.

"Emereste. You have been my best friend for seven years. I know when something is up. Especially when you're shaking in your sleep."

"It's nothing, seriously," I insisted.

"Can't anyone sleep around here?" Groaned Marya, rolling onto her back.

"Sorry, Mari!" Laughed Tali and I in unison.

Marya rolled her eyes. "I told you guys to stop calling me that!" She huffed.

"Sorry, Mari... ya," I said.

Just then, a high pitched bell rang loudly. The girls and I exchanged a look and threw ourselves out of bed. I speedily slipped out of my nightie and pulled on a white, long-sleeve polo, and grey sweater vest, a black skirt, white, knee-high socks, and black flats. I looked over to see that the girls had also changed into their uniforms. I pulled the top layer of my hair back and secured it with my hairpin, which also happened to have my number on it. The regulation outfit for girls. We all quickly made our beds and walked out of our room, closing the door softly behind us. We joined the others at the large doors. Like every morning, we waited for Lady Lorain to start our morning at the facility. I made my way over to a cluster of people who I knew.

"Emereste!" Wilder, or as we called him, Will, greeted me as I walked over.

I smiled and waved. "Hi, Will."

I joined the cluster and subtly slipped my hand into his. I felt butterflies at the touch, but his fingers wrapped around mine. I blushed slightly. No one knew about us. Well, "us" isn't official yet, but we both really like each other, and we agreed to keep that to ourselves.

"Hey, Em," greeted Arlen, waving.

"Good morning."

"Is any morning good at the facility?" Complained Colson.

"Uh oh," I whispered to Will. "Someone's in a mood."

"Yeah. He's been like this all morning," he muttered.

"Well, let's hope that-"

The doors swung open and Lady Lorain spoke.


"Salutations, Lady Lorain," everyone responded.

She adjusted her glasses. "For breakfast today, we have grits and milk for 12 and under, and scrambled eggs and water for the rest of you." She stepped aside. "Single file."

We all shuffled into a single file and ambled forward. I grabbed one of the plastic trays and held it up to Madame Olsod. She squinted at me. I turned around to show her my black and gold hairpin. I saw her briefly nod as she scooped scrambled eggs onto my plate. I grabbed a glass of water and a plastic fork and paper napkin, and slid into one of the round, old tables. Will sat on my right and Marya on my left.

I reluctantly chewed the rubber-like eggs. I had learnt from experience that if you don't eat all of your food, you are seen as ungrateful. If you are seen as ungrateful, your food privileges are taken away for 48 hours. I stared at the different metal doors on the other side of the cafeteria. In a few mere minutes, I would walk through those doors. I sighed, already drained thinking about today.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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