Chapter 2: The Walls Are My Friends Extra

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An empty house laid on top of a hill. Only 3 people lived in that particular house. Blackberry and her mother Dewberry as well as her father Evergreen. They lived a simple life. Blackberry attended school and worked a job as a maid cleaning houses. While her parents had jobs to sustain their happy home. Blackberry also had a lifelong friend since she was a kid. His name was Adventurer. He was clumsy and bad with directions but he meant well and didn't try to cause trouble but would still end up in trouble somehow. I mean it's not his fault, he just has terrible luck.

When Blackberry wasn't working or at school, you could most likely find her spending her time with Adventurer and helping him on his usually meaningless quests. She enjoyed them nonetheless. She was just happy to be such close friends with someone like him. She was usually the smart one in the duo while Adventurer was the...well adventurous one always trying to find somewhere to climb or some cave to explore. Adventurer always had one rule for himself..."If I'm going then Blackberry must accompany me!"

That usually ended up helping him because he would get lost while Blackberry would be mapping the layout on a paper or notepad. So the two were a good duo on their journeys. Overtime Blackberry grew closer and closer to him and as naive as Adventurer is, he didn't even notice.

Blackberry: "Adventurer do you even know where you're going-?"

Adventurer: "Of course I do!"

Blackberry raised her eyebrow at Adventurer while he chuckled nervously. He continued down the cave they were traveling through while he carried a lantern in his right hand. Behind him followed Blackberry writing down their pathway as they went along. Until they came to a crossroads.

Adventurer: "Uhm...let's go right!"

Blackberry didn't pay any mind to Adventurer's usual blind choices. But suprise suprise it ended up as a dead end. So they went back and went the other direction which finally lead to the end of the cave that had...nothing.

Adventurer: "There's no treasure-?!"

Blackberry: "I told you the lead you had was fishy."

Adventurer: "Aw this sucks-! Well let's just go back to the entrance then."

Blackberry: "All that way-?"

Adventurer nodded optimistically as he trotted the other direction. She wasn't happy because all she wanted to do was go home and clean her dirty clothes from all the climbing and walking they have been doing.

Adventurer: "Did you have fun Blackberry?"

Blackberry: "I always have fun when I'm with you Adventurer."

Adventurer: "That's sweet! Thanks!"

He smiled widely at Blackberry. That dumb smile of his always put her mind at ease no matter what situation they were in.

Blackberry: "How long do you think it will take us to get home?"

Adventurer: "I dunno! Maybe 2 hours?"

Blackberry: "That's quite the time but I think I'll manage." She said as she brushed off the dirt from her dress.

Adventurer: "Thank you for always coming on these with me. It's always alot of fun!" He held both of her hands in his and it flustered her.

Blackberry: "Oh...yes of course." She spread a simple smile across her face.

After an hour of talking through the cave they finally met the entrance. Now all that was left was another hour of walking home.

Blackberry: "Oh well would you look at that." She pointed outward past the cliff. The sun was beginning to set and showed a very pretty view.

Adventurer: "Oh wow that's pretty. Oh! Blackberry! Come with me! I want to show you something."

With Adventurer as eager as ever he started to drag Blackberry over to the cliff where the view was even better than before. Adventurer sat down on the edge of the cliff with his feet dangling. Blackberry sat down next to him and they began to gaze at the sunset.

Blackberry: "'s incredible."

Adventurer: "I know right! I saw this last time and I just knew that I had to show you!"

Blackberry couldn't get her eyes to stop staring at the beautiful view in front of her. Adventurer grabbed ahold of her hand as they watched. It snapped her back to reality as she looked at him. All of her worries and hardships had just washed away. Even more than ever before.

Adventurer took his hat off and placed it into his lap. They watched the sunset together. The two looked into eachothers eyes and leaned in, closing their eyes and....


Adventurer's dead body was hanging right infront of her and all she could do....was cry.

(I'm sorry for the long hiatus but I'm back and ready to continue!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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