9. Fixed

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"oi Harry!" Harry looks up from where he was sitting, his mates follow. "Oh look! The gay boys!" His mates start laughing, how pathetic. Harry stands up "what" Harry snaps back "why don't you just leave Charlie and I alone, Ben deserves to be suspended" Harry begins to get up in Nicks face and I can tell something bad is going to happen "or what?". I jump between the two of them "he'll punch you in the face again" why did I do that? In just embarrassing myself. Harry looks like he is about to laugh.

Harry let's out a big laugh and grabs me by the collar "oo scary" He says and he pushes me sideways onto the ground. I didn't hurt at all and I stood right up again. As I'm standing, Nick grabs Harry by the collar just as he did to me, his face so close to Harry's that their practically touching. "JUST LEAVE US ALONE, YOUR SUCK A FUCKING DICK" and with that Nick threw Harry back down into all of his mates. I've never seen Nick be so angry, so red, he looks like he is going to tear up anything in his way.

Harry looks so shocked, I'm just standing there in shock. Nick, who is still breathing heavily stares at Harry "alright?" Nick asks, Harry nods his head as he fixes himself and his uniform, he looks so embarrassed it's hallarious. Nick turns around, and when he see's me, the fire in his eyes seem's to dim. He begins walking away and takes my hand to hold it on the way. "Thank you Nick" he looks at me and smiles "I love you" he says "I love you too".

I'm pretty sure that this means that Harry will leave us alone, sure they all may hate us now but at least they'll leave us alone. The school day is finished we Finally get to go home, and I'm walking home today so I can be with Tori and can talk to her. I meet her at the school gate with Nick and hug him goodbye "I'll talk to you tonight, love you". Most of the walk is silent which makes me upset, I chose to walk with her and she's not even talking. "How was school, I heard Nick gave Harry some shit" Tori breaks the silence. My face goes red. "Erm yeah, Harry was being a huge dick, and he also threw a rock at my head." "What!" Tori stops in her place "no no! It was only a small cut!". Tori spins me around to search for it "ow!" "Sorry, ouch that looks like it hurt" "yeah it did" I turn away from her and keep walking.

"So like, do you wanna come round to Michael's with me tonight?" Michael? Omg I haven't heard about him for ages! "Oh sure! So are you two a thing now?" Tori goes red "yeah I guess". We get home and say hi to mum, dad and Oliver "Charlie! Look at this painting I made!" Oliver holds up a piece of paper with spots of paint everywhere. There's a drawing of what I think is a tractor in black crayon and splotches of red and green paint scattered all around. "Wow Olly that's amazing!" I run up the stairs to go get ready for Michaels house. I finish getting ready and go into Tori's room "you ready to go?" She asks, I nod and she walks out of her room, I follow behind. "Bye guys" we shout and out the door we go. "How far is his house" "oh not to far, maybe like, a five minute walk" "oh cool". We reach his house, it's a beautiful brown wooden cottage with a garden and a gate. I hear the door open "Tori!" Michael smiles, and I see Tori grin a little. Michael comes to the gate to let us in "oh hello Charlie" Michael pips out as he opens the gate to let us in "hi", I let out a little wave.

We walk up his pathway that leads to the porch, and he opens the door. Inside his house, I see a Coate hanger and a table with a mirror, his house is only 1 storey but is still really big. Its like a cabin inside, so comfy and cosy. Michael at Tori are chatting as he takes us to his room, I'm just Admiring his pretty house. We get to his room and he opens his door and I walk inside. Inside his room, he has a white bedframe on his door wall, which is black, and has plain grey bed sheets. On the wall which has his bed head is light grey, it has so many posters and lights, he has a orange neon sign of a happy face, cute. The wall opposite his bed, has a desk, with a nice stack of papers and books and a window. Along with a laptop and desk lamp. He has wooden floors with a white fluffy rug in the Middle.

"So this is my room!" Michael looks at me "it's really nice" I say and Michael smiles. "Well I'm going to make some tea, Charlie you want some?" "Yes thanks" and Michael leaves, tori sits on his bed while I sit on the floor "How long have you two been together?" Tori goes red again "like one month or two I dunno" A big smile appears on my face. Tori hits my hands and a big grin appears on her face "stop!" She laughs out. "His room is so nice, it just feels so cosy" I say "it also smells like, bonfires?" Tori nods her head in agreement. Michael comes back, balancing 2 mugs and 1 cup in his hands. He hands me my tea and I thank him and he hands Tori a cup of diet lemonade, thats really sweet of him. "Thanks" Tori says and we all sit together and talk.

"So Charlie, how's you and Nick going?" Michael gives me a wink and I can feel my face light up red "oh uhm- yeah we're doing really good! Little fights here and there, but there about stupid things you know?" I laugh and Michael nods his head. After an hour or so of talking and drinking tea and diet lemonade, me and tori decide it's time to go home. We walk out of Micheal's amazing bedroom, and we walk out of his gate. "I'll see you at school tomorrow" Michael flings his arms around tori and hugs her, lifting her feet off the floor, and Pinning her arms to her side. Once Michael puts Tori down, she says bye and we begin walking.

"Michael seems like a really nice guy Tori, and his room is super Cool too" Tori nods. "Yeah, I kind of feel bad about how I used to treat him" I smile. Tori can be a bit unfiltered sometimes, but sometimes that's a good trait of hers, she can really humble people. We reach our house and go inside, my parents are just finishing up cooking dinner, great. "Hey guys! Pasta for dinner!" Dad yells, funny thing about pasta is that it used to be my favourite when I was younger! I actually am pretty hungry so I'm looking forward to it.

I go upstairs to my room and flop on my bed. I take my phone out of my Pocket and text Nick.

Me: hey! I'm back from Michael's! It was pretty fun!

Nick: oh yay! That's good!

Me: yeah. How you feeling??

Nick: fine, I feel good knowing that Harry got the message.

Me: yeah ♥️♥️

Nick: ♥️♥️

"Guys! Dinner!" Dad calls, and I put my phone in my pocket as I get up. I run down the stairs with Tori behind and sit down next to Oliver, with Tori opposite me. Tonight, the dinner doesn't look as scary as usual so that's good, in still a bit hesitant about it but I push through those thoughts and try to enjoy the dinner.

Part 10 coming soon!

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